Baltimore Yearly Meeting meets four times each year to conduct our shared business - once in the summer for our Annual Sessions and at least three times throughout the remainder of the year for our Interim Meetings, typically held in November, March, and June. We conduct our business in the manner of Friends, worshipping together and seeking to following the leading of the Spirit. All Friends are welcome and encouraged to attend BYM business meetings, and each Monthly Meeting is expected to send at least one representative to each business session. Currently, BYM conducts most business meetings in a hybrid-format - gathering both in-person and online.
Minutes from Recent Business Meetings
Next Business Meeting
Budget & Apportionment Meeting
April 13, 2025
Online via Zoom. Register here.
Questions? Email
10:00am - Meeting Begins
Resources & Documents
March Interim Meeting

11:00am - Fellowship & Simple Lunch
12:30pm - Meeting for Worship for the Conduct of Business begins
3:30pmish - Meeting for Business Concludes
4:00pm - Committee Meetings