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2024 Spiritual State of the Meeting Request

2024 Spiritual State of the Meeting Queries

November 28, 2023

Dear Friends across Baltimore Yearly Meeting -

The Ministry and Pastoral Care Committee is looking forward to hearing from each Monthly Meeting early in 2024 with the SSoM report from your corner of our Quaker community.  This is always a joyful undertaking for us as we read and sense Spirit’s movement among us and use these reports as background for the Yearly Meeting’s Spiritual State of the Meeting Report.

Below you will find the queries we have composed to help you in this year’s reporting.  Please use these as far as they seem right for you.  OR feel free to devise queries which suit you better, and if you do so, please share them with us, along with your report, as we might learn from them.

When your Spiritual State of the Meeting Reports are ready:

  1. Please complete the report for your meeting by no later than mid-April.
  2. Please send your Meeting’s report to the BYM Office at

Spiritual State of the Meeting Queries:

  1. What are best practices of your meeting’s Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business (MfWCB) that you could share with other meetings?  In what way do you think your MfWCB falls short?
  2. The whole world seems at war now.  How does the Quaker peace testimony live in your meeting?  How do your members practice the peace testimony?
  3. Does you meeting suffer the arrogance of certainty?  For example, does your meeting have subtle prejudices for those unlike them?
  4. Tell how your meeting’s walk with Spirit informs our understanding of racism and how you are meant to live?


  • Describe specific ways your meeting works to become an anti-racist and justice-seeking community.

If you have questions, please do not hesitate to ask.   

Thank you.  We look forward to reading your reports!

Eileen Stanzione & Greg Robb, Co-Clerks

BYM Ministry and Pastoral Care Committee