Friends United Meeting
Friends United Meeting, formed in 1902 as the Five Years Meeting of Friends, is composed of Yearly Meetings, 20 as of 1999, and smaller Quaker groups. It meets triennially and publishes a complete record of its proceedings. It has jurisdiction over matters delegated to it by the constituent Yearly Meetings. Friends United Meeting may provide Yearly Meetings with advice and counsel.
Each Yearly Meeting in Friends United Meeting is entitled to appoint five representatives to the Triennial Sessions, plus one additional representative for each 1,000 members or major fraction thereof. (According to FUM procedures, if an appointed representative does not attend the Triennial, those representatives present may select a replacement representative from those members of Baltimore Yearly Meeting attending the Triennial. This is to be reported to the Yearly Meeting in session.) Representatives form the Representative Body. Major matters and proposals are considered by the Representative Body and the plenary sessions. Routine procedural matters may be acted upon by the Representative Body and reported to the Plenary Session which reserves the right to approve, disapprove, or reconsider.
At the time representatives are nominated, each Yearly Meeting names one of its representatives to serve on the Triennial Nominating Committee and another to serve on the Triennial New Business Committee. Baltimore Yearly Meeting’s representatives, including those persons named to the General Board, serve also for the three years following the Triennial sessions to which they were appointed as a support group for the relationship between Baltimore Yearly Meeting and Friends United Meeting.
Between Triennial Sessions, the General Board is the responsible body and legal representative of Friends United Meeting. Each Yearly Meeting makes appointments to the General Board during the year preceding the Triennial Sessions. The formula for determining the number of appointments is: membership of 3,000 or less, maximum of 2 appointees; 3,001 to 10,000, maximum of 3 appointees; 10,001 and over, maximum of 4 appointees. One of the General Board members is designated to serve on the General Board Nominating Committee.
The General Board has four regular administrative Committees: Executive Committee, Finance Committee, Nominating Committee, and Program Coordinating and Priorities Committee. The Nominating Committee of the General Board includes one appointee from each Yearly Meeting, designated by the Yearly Meeting, from among those who are its General Board representatives. The General Board also appoints from its members such program committees as are necessary to give continuity and support to the work of Friends United Meeting. Every member of the General Board serves on at least one of its committees.
Practice has been for each Yearly Meeting to name one representative to the Triennial Planning Committee for the upcoming Triennial.
Yearly Meetings contribute to a travel pool, administered by the General Board, to cover expenses of the designated number of representatives traveling to and from the Triennial sessions.
All Friends are encouraged to attend the Friends United Meeting Triennial sessions. Information about Friends United Meeting resources may be found on their web site,
Details of the procedures of Friends United Meeting can be found in the pamphlet, Friends United Meeting Organization and Procedure, 1996, available from Friends United Meeting, 101 Quaker Hill Drive, Richmond Indiana 47374.
Contact Information
Mailing address: | 101 Quaker Hill Drive Richmond, IN 47374 |
Telephone: | 800-537-8839 |
Website: | |