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Shepherdstown Friends Meeting

Shepherdstown Friends Meeting

Shepherdstown was approved as a Monthly Meeting of Baltimore Yearly Meeting during Annual Session on Seventh Month 31, 2012.

Contact Information
Mailing address: PO Box 1364, Shepherdstown, West Virginia 25443-1364
Meeting place address: Shepherdstown Train Station, corner of German Street and Audrey Egel Drive, Shepherdstown, West Virginia.
Telephone: 304-584-3126
Website: Shepherdstown Friends Meeting
First Day: Worship: 10:00 am
Business Meeting: Second First Day: after the rise of Meeting
Officers and Clerks


Sue Silver & Ginny Bainbridge


William "Bill" Telfair

Recording Clerk:

Helen Doerr


Bill Telfair & Ginny Bainbridge

First Day School:

 Sabrina Blair, Windsong Bergman & Lauren Chapalee

Ministry and Pastoral Care:

William "Zakee" McGill

Peace and Social Justice:

Mike Proser


Dick Hunnisett

Yearly Meeting Representative:


Travel Directions

Visioning Project Report

In 2010 and 2011, Baltimore Yearly Meeting undertook a project to consider the vision of the Yearly Meeting community. As a part of that project, members of the ad hoc Visiting Ministers Committee led a visioning session at each Meeting. The report of the visioning session at Shepherdstown Preparative Meeting (now Shepherdstown Monthly Meeting) is available here.