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Maury River Friends Meeting

Maury River Friends Meeting

Contact Information
Mailing address: P.O. Box 582, Lexington, Virginia 24450-0582
Meeting place address: 34 Waterloo Road, Lexington, Virginia 24450
Wheelchair Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible
Hearing Assistance: No hearing assistance available
Telephone: N/A
Website: Maury River Friends Meeting
First Day: Worship: 10:00 am, adult discussion 11:30 am
Religious Education: First Day School: 10:00 am with children joining Meeting at 10:40 am
Religious Education: First Day School: 10:00 am with children joining Meeting at 10:40 am
Business Meeting: Fourth First Day, 11:00 am; potluck follows
Officers and Clerks
Co-Clerks: Margaret "Peggy" Dyson-Cobb and Ben Eland
Treasurer: Eric Sheffield
Recording Clerk: Elise Sheffield
Records Clerk: Philip Hyre
Finance & Stewardship:

Eric Sheffield

Ministry and Counsel: Somers Knight
Nominating: Daphne Raz
Peace and Justice: Kathleen "Kathy" Fox and Richard Capron
Religious Education: Kathleen "Kathy" Fox
Yearly Meeting Representative: Vacant
Travel Directions

From I-81, take I-64 West to exit #50 (Kerrs Creek). At the top of the exit ramp, turn left, crossing over I-64. At the next intersection, turn right onto State Route 850 (W. Midland Trail). Travel west four miles through farmland to State Route 629 (Waterloo Drive). Turn left. The Meeting House is on the right just across the bridge.

Maury River Friends Meeting Spiritual State of the Meeting Reports

Maury River Friends Meeting Interchange Reports

Visioning Project Report

In 2010 and 2011, Baltimore Yearly Meeting undertook a project to consider the vision of the Yearly Meeting community. As a part of that project, members of the ad hoc Visiting Ministers Committee led a visioning session at each Meeting. The report of the visioning session at Maury River Friends Meeting is available here.