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Alexandria Friends Meeting

Alexandria Friends Meeting

Contact Information
Mailing address: 8990 Woodlawn Road, Alexandria, Virginia 22309
Meeting place address: 8990 Woodlawn Road, Alexandria, Virginia 22309
Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible
Telephone: 571-409-1761
First Day: Worship: 11:00a.m In-Person and Zoom
  First Day School: 11:00 am
  Adult RE: 10:00 am
Business Meeting: First First Day, 1:00 pm (Second First Day in September)
Officers and Clerks
Clerk: Eli Courtwright and Alexandra (Alex) Zealand
Assistant Clerk: Susan "Sue" Marcus
Treasurer: Ann "Annie" Maccubbin and Robert "Rob" Maccubbin
Recording Clerk: Deborah Haines and Jerry Allen
Recorder: Rachel Pharr
Adult Religious Education: Deborah Haines
Children's Religious Education: Anita Allder-Stephens and Sophia Allder-Stephens
Communications: Christie St. Claire
Ministry and Nurture: Carrie Rothenbacher
Peace and Social Concerns: Davis Balderston
Trustees: Paul Jacob
Newsletter Editor: Deborah Haines
Yearly Meeting Representative: Davis Balderston
Travel Directions

From I-495 (Capital Beltway) take Route 1 going south. Go about eight miles; turn right at the next light onto Woodlawn Road, then immediately left to the Meeting House.

From I-95 coming north, take Fort Belvoir exit and go north on Route 1 about ten miles. Pass the second gate to Fort Belvoir; take the next left onto Woodlawn Road, then immediately left again into the Meeting House.

Alexandria Friends Meeting Spiritual State of the Meeting Reports

Alexandria Friends Meeting Interchange Reports

Visioning Project Report

In 2010 and 2011, Baltimore Yearly Meeting undertook a project to consider the vision of the Yearly Meeting community. As a part of that project, members of the ad hoc Visiting Ministers Committee led a visioning session at each Meeting. The report of the visioning session at Alexandria Friends Meeting is available here.