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York Friends Meeting

York Friends Meeting

Contact Information
Mailing address:

135 West Philadelphia Street, York, Pennsylvania 17401

Meeting place address:

135 West Philadelphia Street, York, Pennsylvania 17401

Wheelchair Accessibility:

Wheelchair accessible

Hearing Assistance:

No hearing assistance available


(717) 814-8534‬

First Day:

Business at 9 AM first Sunday of the month First hour 9:30 AM other Sundays 2nd Sunday: singing & writing table 3rd Sunday: Quakerism 4th Sunday: Peace, Social Justice, Racism discussion & book study First day school at 11 AM. Youth join meeting for the last 10-15 minutes.

Business Meeting:

First Sunday of the month, 9 AM

Officers and Clerks


Rotating "head of meeting" for business meetings

Assistant Clerk:



Harry "Scotty" Scott

Assistant Treasurer:

Matthew "Matt" Schultheis

Recording Clerk:

Madeline Mirasol


Patricia "Pat" Long

Adult Religious Education:

Committee of the whole

First Day School:

Committee of the whole

Ministry and Counsel/Community Life:

Committee of the whole


Committee of the whole

Peace and Social Concerns:

Committee of the whole

Stewardship and Finance:

Committee of the whole


Lamar Matthew, Pat Long, Theresa Robertson, Matthew Schultheis

Yearly Meeting Representative:

Shannon Grimm

Travel Directions

From the North:

I-83 to Exit 22, N. George Street (I-83 Business)

Follow George Street into town

Turn right on Philadelphia Street

Go 2 blocks, Meeting House will be on your right.

From the South:

I-83 to Exit 15, S. George Street (I-83 Business)

Follow George Street into town

Turn left onto West Princess Street

Take first right onto South Beaver Street

Turn left onto West Philadelphia Street

Go  1 1/2 blocks, Meeting House will be on your right.


From the East or West:

US. 30 to N. George Street (I-83 Business)

Follow George Street into town

Turn right on Philadelphia Street

Go 2 blocks, Meeting House will be on your right.

Google maps view of York Friends Meeting

York Friends Meeting Spiritual State of the Meetings Reports

York Friends Meeting Interchange Reports

Visioning Project Report

In 2010 and 2011, Baltimore Yearly Meeting undertook a project to consider the vision of the Yearly Meeting community. As a part of that project, members of the ad hoc Visiting Ministers Committee led a visioning session at each Meeting. The report of the visioning session at York Friends Meeting is available here.