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Penn Hill Preparative Meeting

Penn Hill Preparative Meeting

Little Britain Monthly Meeting is structured on the traditional British system, with two Preparative Meetings - Penn Hill and Eastland. Meetings for Worship are held at both Preparative Meetings and Business Meetings alternate locations between the two.

In 1954, Little Britain celebrated its sesquicentenial with a talk prepared by Helen Wood Shortlidge. Entitled A History of The Little Britain Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends 1804 to 1954, it is a detailed description of the evolution of the Monthly Meeting and each of its constituent Preparative Meetings.

Contact Information
Mailing address: c/o Sarah Brabson, 443 Little Britain Road South, Peach Bottom, Pennsylvania 17563
Meeting place address:

Wakefield, Pennsylvania, just south of junction of US Route 222 and PA Route 272

Wheelchair Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible
Hearing Assistance: Hearing assistance available
Telephone: 717-548-4077 - Clerk
First Day: Worship: 11:00 am
Religious Education: First Day School: 10:00 am
Business Meeting: See listing for Little Britain Monthly Meeting.
Officers and Clerks
Clerk: Mary Kirk
Travel Directions

Nine miles north of US Route 1 on US Route 222 at Wakefield, PA; 200 feet south of the split of US Route 222 and PA Route 272.

Penn Hill Preparative Meeting Spiritual State of the Meeting Reports

Penn Hill Preparative Meeting Interchange Reports