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Dunnings Creek Friends Meeting

Dunnings Creek Friends Meeting

Contact Information
Mailing address: c/o Susan Williams, 2049 Valley Road, Schellsburg, PA 15559
Meeting place address: 285 Old Quaker Church Road, Fishertown, Pennsylvania 15539
Wheelchair Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible (with help)
Hearing Assistance: No hearing assistance available
Telephone: 814-839-2952
Website: Dunnings Creek Friends Meeting
First Day: Worship: 11:00 am
Religious Education: First Day School: 10:00 am
Business Meeting: Second First Day: 10:00 am
Officers and Clerks
Norman Williams
Marcia Rogish
Recording Clerk:
Susan Williams
Ministry and Pastoral Care:
Newsletter Editor:
Karin Sedewar
Travel Directions

The Meeting is about nine miles northwest of Bedford, PA. From Bedford, PA take I99 north to the Rt. 56 exit; exit west PA Rt. 56. Go 3.1 miles to Old Quaker Church Road; bear left. Go .3 miles to the Meeting House on the left.

Dunnings Creek Friends Meeting Spiritual State of the Meeting Reports

Dunnings Creek Friends Meeting Interchange Reports