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Baltimore Monthly Meeting, Stony Run

Baltimore Monthly Meeting, Stony Run

Contact Information
Mailing address: 5116 North Charles Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21210
Meeting place address: 5116 North Charles Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21210
Wheelchair Accessibility:
Wheelchair accessible

Hearing Assistance:
Hearing assistance available



Meeting website

First Day:
Worship: 9:30 am (scent-free) and 11:00 am (in July and August 8:30 am and 10:00 am)

Religious Education:
First Day School: 11:20 am (in July and August 10:20 am)
Childcare is available for all Meetings

Business Meeting:
First First Day, 1:00 pm

Officers and Clerks
Clerk: Blaine Keener
Assistant Clerk: Bob Breyer
Treasurer: Carole Schreck
Recording Clerk: Margaret "Meg" Boyd Meyer
Recorder: Brian Gamble
Annual Giving: Janet Daley
Community, Care and Clearness: Brian Gamble
Finance: Eugene "Gene" Baron
Indian Affairs: This Committee is joint between Stony Run and Homewood Dellie James
Ministry and Counsel: Suzanne O'Hatnick
Nominating: Maria Brown
Baltimore Quaker Peace and Justice: This Committee is joint between Stony Run, Homewood, and Old Town. Maria Brown
Religious Education: Trudy Rogers and Nancy Moore
Support and Supervision: Rebecca Snyder
Trustees: Arthur Boyd
Newsletter Editor: Najah Bayyan
Yearly Meeting Representative: Karie Firoozmand, Adrian Bishop and Arthur Boyd
Travel Directions

From Baltimore Beltway (I-695): Exit 25 South for Charles Street. The Meeting House is located 4.3 miles south of I-695 Charles Street exit, on the right side of Charles Street, immediately after Cathedral of Mary Our Queen (south of Northern Parkway)

From Jones Falls Expressway (I-83 North): Exit onto Northern Parkway East, then turn right (south) onto Charles Street.

Baltimore Monthly Meeting, Stony Run Spiritual State of the Meeting Reports

Baltimore Monthly Meeting, Stony Run Interchange Reports

Visioning Project Report

In 2010 and 2011, Baltimore Yearly Meeting undertook a project to consider the vision of the Yearly Meeting community. As a part of that project, members of the ad hoc Visiting Ministers Committee led a visioning session at each Meeting. The report of the visioning session at Baltimore Monthly Meeting, Stony Run is available here.