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Local Worshipping Communities of BYM and Covid-19

As each locality beings to investigate modes of returning to more open interactions, our local worshiping communities are following suit.

Listed below is the currently available information for each community, grouped by state. We have put in bold any Meeting who has announced plans to begin returning to some version of in-person worship.

District of Columbia Worshiping Communities
Community Status Date of last update
Friends Meeting of Washington Meeting for Worship canceled until further notice. Virtual worship being used, click here to request connection information. (per Meeting listserve) 04/07/2020


Maryland Worshiping Communities
Community Status Date of last update
Adelphi Friends Meeting Meeting for Worship and associated activities canceled until further notice. Virtual worship being used, click here to request connection information. (per Meeting listserv) 04/16/2020
Annapolis Friends Meeting Meeting for Worship is canceled until further notice. Virtual worship being used, click here to request connection information. (per Meeting announcements) 04/16/2020
Baltimore Monthly Meeting, Stony Run All activities canceled. Virtual worship being used, click here to request connection information. (per Meeting newsletter) 04/07/2020
Bethesda Friends Meeting Closed from 03/13/2020 through 04/13/2020. Bethesda Friends are worshiping each Sunday together from 11:00 to 12:00. Some are worshiping in their homes, knowing that we are doing so with other Bethesda Friends. Others are seeing and hearing one another in Zoom Meeting for Worship at the same time. Virtual worship being used, click here to request connection information. (per Meeting clerk) 04/10/2020
Deer Creek Meeting No information has been received 03/15/2020
Frederick Friends Meeting Meeting for Worship canceled until further notice. Virtual worship being used, click here to request connection information. (per Meeting announcements) 04/07/2020
Gunpowder Friends Meeting All activities canceled until further notice. Virtual worship being used, click here to request connection information. (per April newsletter) 04/16/2020
Homewood Friends Meeting Meeting for Worship canceled until further notice. Virtual worship being used, click here to request connection information. (per Meeting list serve) 04/03/2020
Little Falls Friends Meeting

This week we'll return to the Meeting House property. We'll sit outside in a large circle, at least six feet apart. The weather looks good. Please bring your own chair if you can. 

Patapsco Friends Meeting Meeting for Worship canceled until further notice. Virtual worship being used, click here to request connection information. (per email sent to Meeting community) 04/07/2020
Patuxent Friends Meeting Meeting for Worship canceled until further notice. Virtual worship being used, click here to request connection information. (per email sent to Meeting community) 04/07/2020
Pipe Creek Friends Meeting Meeting for Worship by Zoom (per email from member of Meeting) 08/02/2020
Sandy Spring Friends Meeting Meeting for Worship cancelled until further notice. Virtual worship being used, click here to request connection information. (per Meeting announcements) 04/16/2020
Takoma Park Preparative Meeting Those who are so led can meet Takoma Park Presbyterian Church at 11:30am in the basement. If there are more than six people, some will go to the library. Weather permitting, if there are more than nine (or if so led), we can meet outside at the church. In any case, we'll observe social distancing, wear face coverings, clean or sanitize hands before and after, and sanitize chairs after use; remember to bring a face covering. No one should attend if they are experiencing a fever, cough, or any other symptoms of coronavirus, or suspect that they have been in contact with someone having coronavirus during the past two weeks. At 1:30pm, we'll have a thirty-minute Zoom session for worship/sharing, along with any announcements. See below for details. 08/07/2020


Pennsylvania Worshiping Communities
Community Status Date of last update
Carlisle Quaker Meeting Carlisle Quaker Meeting resumed in-person Meeting House worship on May 31, but with no special program for children. Friends attending are asked to wear masks and maintain appropriate distance. 06/15/2020
Dunnings Creek Friends Meeting Meeting House will be open and social distancing in force for anyone who attends, but Friends are encouraged to worship at home (per phone call with clerk of Meeting) 03/20/2020
Eastland Preparative Meeting In-person Meeting for Worship resumed, facemasks and/or social distancing recommended in accordance with state guidelines (per email from clerk of Meeting) 06/29/2020
Gettysburg Monthly Meeting Gettysburg Monthly Meeting is now worshiping outdoors at members’ homes. 06/05/2020
Little Britain Monthly Meeting Little Britain has resumed meeting in person as of June 21 at Eastland Preparative Meeting. They expect to next hold Business Meeting at Penn Hill on July 19. 06/29/2020
Menallen Monthly Meeting Meeting for Worship being held, Friends encouraged to maintain safe distances (per email from member of Meeting) 03/20/2020
Nottingham Monthly Meeting Nottingham began Meeting in person on June 3, 2020. We ask Friends to wear masks and space themselves appropriately. 07/09/2020
Penn Hill Preparative Meeting Meeting for Worship canceled until further notice (per phone conversation with clerk of Meeting) 03/24/2020
State College Friends Meeting Meeting for Worship canceled until further notice (per phone conversation with clerk of Meeting) 03/20/2020
Warrington Monthly Meeting Meeting for Worship canceled until further notice. Virtual worship being considered. (per phone conversation with clerk of Meeting) 03/27/2020
West Branch Monthly Meeting West Branch Society Friends are now meeting weekly, masks optional. They are in the “green phase” under Pennsylvania rules. Masks and social distancing are optional. 06/12/2020
York Friends Meeting Meeting for Worship canceled until further notice. Information about virtual connections with Friends available. (per email from Meeting representative) 04/07/2020


Virginia Worshiping Communities
Community Status Date of last update
Alexandria Friends Meeting All activities, including Meeting for Worship, at the Meeting House canceled until further notice. Virtual worship being used, click here to request connection information. (per Meeting newsletter) 04/11/2020
Augusta Worship Group Meeting for Worship canceled until further notice. 04/02/2020
Blacksburg Friends Meeting In-person Meeting for Worship is being done outside, with social distancing and masks. Sharing of joys and concerns is done via a Zoom meeting. Virtual sharing information is available, click here to request connection information.(per email from Clerk of the Meeting) 06/12/2020
Charlottesville Friends Meeting Meeting for Worship canceled until further notice. Virtual worship being used, click here to request connection information. (per Meeting mid-week notes) 04/10/2020
Fauquier Friends Worship Group Meeting for Worship being held on 03/15/2020. Friends are asked to use appropriate precautions 03/14/2020
Floyd Friends Meeting Meeting for Worship canceled until further notice. After Meeting for Worship concludes, the Clerk gets online and starts an email thread for Friends to share “joys, sorrows and concerns”. (per email from attender) 04/07/2020
Goose Creek Friends Meeting The sense of July 2020 Business Meeting is to not reopen the Meeting House at this time. Second decision is to hold in-person meetings beginning First Day, July 12, 2020, at 9:45am. This decision will be reviewed during the August Meeting for Business. We will also continue to offer our “Zoom” meetings at the same time. Click here to request connection information. (per Meeting list serve) 07/07/2020
Herndon Friends Meeting Meeting for Worship canceled until further notice. Virtual worship being used, click here to request connection information. (per email from member of Meeting) 03/25/2020
Hopewell Centre Monthly Meeting Meeting for Worship canceled until further notice. Virtual worship being used, click here to request connection information. (per email from member of Meeting) 04/02/2020
Langley Hill Friends Meeting Face to face Meeting for Worship canceled until further notice. Virtual worship being used. Specific information is available on the Meeting's website calendar. Contact the clerk for details. (per email from clerk of Meeting) 06/10/2020
Lynchburg Indulged Meeting Meeting for Worship canceled until further notice. Virtual worship with Roanoke Friends Meeting being held. (per email from member of Roanoke) 03/24/2020
Mattaponi Friends Meeting Mattaponi Friends have been worshiping together in Spirit at our normal time (10 AM) and then on Zoom from 11 to noon for some songs and fellowship! We are not sure when we will be able to meet together again at Dayspring Farm, but we are as close as ever! 06/20/2020
Maury River Friends Meeting MR Friends are now worshipping in three ways according to the safety considerations and internet capacity of individuals: separately at home at 10 am on Sundays; joining worship by Zoom at 10 am followed by 1/2 hr of sharing; or at our Meetinghouse sitting at least 10 ft apart, wearing masks and using sanitizer. 06/02/2020
Midlothian Friends Meeting The Midlothian Friends Meeting House will be open each Sunday at 10am for in-person worship beginning Sunday, August 9th. The Meeting House can accommodate a maximum of 17 Friends safely during the pandemic. We will also provide online Zoom access at the same time that is integrated with those choosing to participate in worship from the Meeting House. We are using a product suggested by FGC called Meeting Owl Pro that will bring Friends who are in-person at the Meeting House together with Friends who are worshiping over Zoom in order to have a shared worship experience. A large TV has been added to the worship room so that all Friends everywhere can interact together. Friends may also join in our worship from the Meeting House back deck and front porch if they choose too – allowing 10 more Friends to safely worship in-person. Since we now have WiFi at the Meeting House, Friends may also choose to join our worship from anywhere on the Meeting House grounds (not just the deck and porch). All in-person Friends in the Meeting House or on the grounds must wear masks and social distance. (per email from Meeting member) 08/07/2020
Norfolk Worship Group Meeting for Worship will be held with appropriate distancing in practice 03/21/2020
Richmond Friends Meeting Meeting for Worship canceled until further notice. Meeting House closed to all users until further notice. The Clearing closed through the end of April. Virtual worship being used, click here to request connection information. (per Meeting list serve) 04/11/2020
Roanoke Friends Meeting Meeting for Worship canceled through end of March. Virtual worship being used, click here to request connection information. (per Meeting website) 04/07/2020
Valley Friends Meeting Meeting for Worship canceled until further notice. Friends "worship in place" at home and share messages by email afterwards, click here to receive information on message sharing. (per email from newsletter editor). (per weekly newsletter) 04/25/2020
Williamsburg Friends Meeting Meeting for Worship canceled until further notice. Virtual worship being used, click here to request connection information. (per weekly newsletter) 04/13/2020


West Virginia Worshiping Communities
Community Status Date of last update
Buckhannon Preparative Meeting

Buckhannon Quakers have been having worship sharing via Zoom on 1st Days at 10:00.  Members are engaging in their Silence at their own times. Our Zoom meetings have primarily been to connect with each other on an interpersonal level, engage in Worship sharing, and for Meetings with a Concern for Business.

Monongalia Friends Meeting Meeting for Worship canceled, virtual worship being used (per phone conversation with clerk of Meeting) 03/20/2020
Shepherdstown Friends Meeting Meeting for Worship canceled until further notice. Virtual worship being used, click here to request connection information. (per Meeting list serve) 04/07/2020

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