Young Friends of Baltimore Yearly Meeting
What is Young Friends?
Young Friends is a community sponsored by Baltimore Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, consisting of high school age attenders who wish to enjoy the fellowship of our Quaker community. The Young Friends program seeks to build a community, which nurtures the personal and spiritual growth of all youth and adult participants. Young Friends provides opportunities to take an active part in the affairs and concerns of the Religious Society of Friends. Young Friends promote individuality as well as the unity of being in community. Decisions are made according to Quaker process, seeking unity among those gathered. With the exception of certain legal and bureaucratic matters, youth are responsible for all aspects of the Young Friends community. The basis of our community and our system of governance is predicated upon acceptance. Our Quaker community expands beyond the borders of our Meetings. High school age youth who are not affiliated with a monthly meeting are welcomed to attend all Young Friends’ conferences. All new attendees of conferences will be thoroughly welcomed into the community with plethoric gusto.
As a self-governed community, Young Friends maintain their own handbook which can be found here. It outlines their gathering expectations, policies, and more!
For more detailed information, please check out the "Who We Are" page on the Young Friends' managed website here!
So How Do I Join?
You join Young Friends(YF) by participating in a conference(con)! You can click here to register for the next con on the calendar. For more information, please reach out to Sunshine Klein, the Youth Programs Manager. To be the first to know when con registration opens, click here to sign up for our emails!
Upcoming Conference Dates
*Conferences start at 7pm Friday and end the the rise of Meeting for Worship on Sunday*
In the continued wake of a Covid-19, the Youth Programs of Baltimore Yearly Meeting is consistently shifting gears to address risk management for our in-person gatherings. Our conferences are an invaluable part of the personal and spiritual growth of so many of our young people and we want to make sure that we are still able to provide them with love and support.
In consideration of this, we will be discussing the current state of our local areas and the risk management steps we can take at every con to determine if the Covid Policy needs updated or we need to shift programming. The current Young Friends Covid Policy is linked here. We will keep the calendar up-to-date if we shift programming to address a spike. You can also sign up for our emails here to be kept in the loop on changes, registration updates, and more. Thank you for your understanding in these wild times.