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Junior Young Friends

Junior Young Friends (JYF) Conference Schedule for this school year!

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What is Junior Young Friends?

As one of the youth programs of Baltimore Yearly Meeting, we hold a series of weekend retreats for 6th-8th graders, whom we call Junior Young Friends (JYFs). JYF conferences or “cons” are held at different Quaker Meetinghouses throughout the school year. Cons are a fun way to see friends from other Meetings or camp, make new friends, and retreat from the pressures of teenage life, while still developing skills around living in community and having a lot of fun. Sunshine Klein, the BYM Youth Programs Manager, and Ana Phillips, the JYF Assistant, facilitate these weekends in conjunction with the Youth Programs Committee

When attending a conference, please bring a sleeping bag, sleeping pad, clothes, toiletries. Many JYFs also enjoy bringing things to help them foster relationships like music, sports equipment, fidgets, or games.

You'll need to register your JYF online through this link. The JYF registration is linked on the Youth Programs webpage here if you want to see more about BYM Youth Programs. Each in-person conference costs $55. As a program we are committed to making sure everyone who wants to join us can. We do not turn people away due to finances. Our registration form allows you to choose your level of need for yourself by giving the space for you to input a custom registration fee that will work for you. If you have questions about this financial aid system email Sunshine. If you are able to support JYFs monetarily beyond the registration fee, you can include a donation on your registration or donate through BYMs donation page here

For the first conference your JYF attends each school year, you'll need to complete and submit the Medical Information form.

JYFs are not the only people at a JYF con. Adults also participate in the community. We call them Friendly Adult Presences (FAPs). They help facilitate activities, games, chores, color groups, and more. If you are interested in volunteering as a FAP, fill out the interest form here. You will be informed of the next available training and sent a link to a background check authorization form to submit, both of which you must participate in before you can serve as a FAP. While adults plan and facilitate the program and meals at these conferences, JYFs are expected to participate in cooking, cleaning, and making decisions that affect the group in Business Meeting as these are key elements of caring for the community.

To join our mailing list to keep up with when registration opens, sign up here. Make sure to check the Junior Young Friends box!

What to expect from a con:

Con is full of activities! The general schedule is outlined below. JYFs and Friendly Adult Presences (FAPs) play games, participate in workshops, and have time, space, and materials to make various crafts. JYFs prepare and clean up the meals under the care of their Color Group FAPs and we all share the meals together after we share in a MOSHH.

Know the lingo:

Color Group = These small groups mix age, gender, and number of conferences attended. Along with JYFs, each color group has a FAP who helps facilitate the groups meetings. Color Groups are both for socializing and choring. 

MOSHH = moment of silence holding hands, this is used to spend a moment centering before we share our meals.

Check-in = a time to get together and each answer, “How are you?”, “Are you having fun?”, “Do you feel included?”, and “What is the name of one new friend that you made today?” Sometimes they answer different questions, or reflect further on the workshop/theme.

Meeting for business = which includes choosing who will clerk, record, what sleeping arrangements will be, what the morning schedule will be, and at least one other item of business.

Thank-you circle = where JYFs respond to the queries “What made the weekend special for you?”, and/or “What are you grateful for?” out of Worship. One FAP takes this time to double checks the cleanliness of the Meetinghouse as well.

Junior Young Friends Gathering Expectations

JYFs try new things, attend all community meetings and events, and participate in color group activities and chores.

JYFs practice enthusiastic consent - asking for, and getting, permission before touching other members of the community or using their stuff - and treat community members, their belongings, and conference venues with care.

JYFs are kind and encouraging, don’t exclude people, listen to and respect others’ opinions - and their need for rest.

JYFs think before acting, use good judgment, and practice self-care. And they abide by any other decisions or rules made at a particular conference, particularly those involving sleep schedules and spaces.

Behavior that threatens others or makes them uncomfortable, or disrupts or destroys community, will not be tolerated. Nor will bringing or using any form of tobacco, alcohol or illegal drugs - or engaging in any form of sexual activity or harassment.

If a problem arises, JYFs notify the Youth Programs Manager or a FAP.

Consequences for violating these expectations are decided by the Youth Programs Manager, in consultation with the DFAP, other FAPs, and the JYF or JYFs involved.

Parents of JYFs are informed of any serious transgressions involving their child, either immediately or at the end of the conference.

The below sample schedules are for reference. When registration opens, the schedule for that con will be included on the registration page.

Sample Fully In-Person Overnight JYF Con Schedule

 Saturday- Sunday

Time Frame Activity
10:30 AM Arrival and Registration- JYFs play freely
11 AM Orientation and name games
11:30 AM First color group meeting
12 PM A color group makes lunch
12:30 PM Lunch
1 PM A color group cleans up lunch
1:30 PM Big, run around game time
2:15 PM Workshop
4 PM Free time/snack
5 PM Color groups check in
5:30 PM A color group makes dinner
6:30 PM Dinner
7 PM A color group cleans up dinner
7:30 PM Meeting for business (which begins with 5 minutes of silence to gather and settle)
After Business Meeting Evening Activity
10ish PM Bedtime
7:15 AM Wake up and pack up personal things
7:30 AM A color group will make breakfast
8 AM Breakfast
8:30 AM We clean the Meeting House, pack up and put away the group materials
After Cleaning is Done Thank you circle! Followed by free time to get ready for Meeting
11 AM Attend Meeting for Worship with the host meeting and attend 1st day school
Folks picking up JYFs are welcome to join Meeting
12 PM All JYFs return to the care of their parents/guardians/folks picking them up

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