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Sue Thomas Turner Quaker Education Fund

Sue Thomas Turner Quaker Education Fund Committee


The Sue Thomas Turner Quaker Education Fund (STTQEF) of Baltimore Yearly Meeting was established in recognition of Sue Thomas Turner’s long support of Quaker education and Quaker values in public education. The purpose of this fund is to support the understanding and practice of Quaker faith in schools, and to support the growth of a life lived in the Spirit by members of the school communities. The fund is targeted for Friends schools under the care of a Friends Meeting, but is available to any school community. The school community members include students, staff, faculty, administration, trustees, and parents. The SSTQEF grants are intended to be used for:

  • materials, lectures and consultants, workshops and retreats, programs and activities to be brought into the school which help to explain Quaker faith and practice to members of the school communities
  • individuals or groups from the school communities to attend workshops, classes or retreats on Quaker faith and practice and Spiritual development
  • the creation and distribution of materials related to these issues by members of the school communities

The funds are limited to uses that are in addition to those already funded by a school or school committee budget, or to augment existing school budget funds to enable a use that exceeds ordinary funding. The SSTQEF awards the funds each Spring. The deadline for applications is March 1. Please do not apply for purposes that occur before mid-May so you can be sure to hear from the Committee in time.

Letters of application should include:

  • Name, address, phone number, and e-mail address, and position of the applicant
  • Name, address, phone number, and e-mail address of the school
  • Brief description of the need for the funds, including:

    What is the overall goal of the program for which the funds will be used? How does the proposed use reflect or support the School statement of mission or purpose? How does the proposed use support the purpose of this fund? What is the total cost of program and are there any other funds for it in school budget?

  • Do you have any other brief information that helps explain the program or need for funds?

The letter of application should not exceed one page plus not more than two pages of addenda such as mission statement, budget or program description.

Please send requests to: Sue Thomas Turner Quaker Education Fund Grants Baltimore Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends 17100 Quaker Lane, Sandy Spring, MD 20860 Or email to:

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