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Ministry and Pastoral Care Committee


The Ministry and Pastoral Care Committee works to deepen the spiritual life of the Yearly Meeting and the Local Meetings.

Click to see the complete description of the Committee as it appears in the current Manual of Procedure.

In addition to its own work, the Ministry and Pastoral Care Committee has several working groups under its care. These are the Intervisitation Working Group, the Spiritual Formation Program Working Group, the Women's Retreat Working Group, and the Working Group on Racism.

The Manual of Procedure specifies that the Committee is responsible for maintaining a list of all Recorded Ministers within the Yearly Meeting. At present, there in one Recorded Minister, Marshall Sutton of Gunpowder Friends Meeting.

The Guidelines for Embracing the Ministry of Friends are maintained by the Committee, as well as providing support to the individual Committees of Oversight named by Local Meetings. The current version of the Guidelines was approved at Interim Meeting on October 19, 2013 and are also included in the Manual of Procedure.

Listed below are the current members of the Committee.

Peirce Hammond, Co-Clerk
Bethesda Friends Meeting
Martin Melville, Co-Clerk
State College Friends Meeting 
Eileen Stanzione
Patapsco Friends Meeting

Barbara P. Thomas 

Annapolis Friends Meeting

Karen Lockett
Frederick Friends Meeting
Paul Isayi
Stony Run Friends Meeting

Joseph "Jerry" Coates

Eastland Preparative Meeting

Otis Kenny
Roanoke Friends Meeting
Kevin Douglas Olive
Homewood Friends Meeting

2021 Discernment on Reopening Meeting Houses

Dear Friends,

Ministry and Pastoral Care Committee of Baltimore Yearly Meeting offered an online discussion about the reopening of the Meeting Houses on June 24. Mackenzie Morgan of Adelphi Friends Meeting was present to answer technical questions.

The online discussion proved to be a rich event, packed with many ideas. Below is a link to the discussion. As well, five documents are attached: a general overview as well as reports from Carlisle Quaker Meeting, Langley Hill Friends Meeting, Midlothian Friends Meeting, and Williamsburg Friends Meeting.

Gary Sandman
Greg Robb
Co-Clerks, Ministry and Pastoral Care Committee

Recording of June 24, 2021 Conversation
Overview Carlisle Quaker Meeting Discernment Langley Hill Friends Meeting Discernment Midlothian Friends Meeting Discernment Williamsburg Friends Meeting Discernment

Spiritual State of the Meetings Reports

Ministry and Pastoral Care Committee Annual Reports

Ministry and Pastoral Care Committee Interchange Reports

Visioning Project Report

In 2010 and 2011, Baltimore Yearly Meeting undertook a project to consider the vision of the Yearly Meeting community. As a part of that project, each committee was asked to respond to a set of queries that had been promulgated by the ad hoc Visiting Ministers Committee. The Ministry and Pastoral Care Committee's responses are available here.

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