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Youth Programs

Youth Programs Committee

The Youth Programs Committee oversees the Junior Young Friends (middle school) program and the Young Friends (high school) program, which provide opportunities for young people to come together and create a loving Quaker community. Our children find a safe place where they feel accepted and able to be themselves, a community where they can learn, make mistakes and grow. They have fun! They experience the deep centering of Friends worship and challenges and joys of Quaker decision-making. Within their loving community, and through workshops and community service, our children develop a strong sense of what the world can be. With the support and guidance from adults in the community, Young Friends are responsible overseeing all aspects of the Young Friends conferences. See their Handbook for how they do it. The BYM Youth Programs are creating Quaker leaders.

Click to see the complete description of the Committee as it appears in the current Manual of Procedure.

In October of 2009, the Yearly Meeting approved adoption of a Youth Safety Policy which is used by the Youth Programs Committee for the operation of their events.

Listed below are the current members of the committee.

Anna "Annalee" Flower Horne, Co-Clerk
Takoma Park Preparative Meeting

Carol Seddon, Co-Clerk

Stony Run Friends Meeting

Kathy Rogers
Stony Run Friends Meeting
Robin Appleberry
Friends Meeting of Washington
Rudi Galloway
Sandy Spring Friends Meeting
Dylan Phillips
Stony Run Friends Meeting

Tedd Heck 
Richmond Friends Meeting

Lexi "Sunshine" Klein
Youth Program Manager
Ana Phillips
Representative, JYF Cons
Nathaniel Lehman, YF Representative
Opequon Quaker Camp
MJ Moran, YF Representative
Shepherdstown Friends Meeting
Rebecca Megginson, YF Representative
Opequon Quaker Camp

Youth Programs Committee Annual Reports

Youth Programs Interchange Reports