2018 Yearbook
Important Minutes of Baltimore Yearly Meeting
The following minutes are the major minutes of Baltimore Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (BYM) approved since the consolidation of Baltimore Yearly Meeting of Friends, Homewood (Orthodox) and Baltimore Yearly Meeting of Friends, Stony Run (Hicksite) in 1967. For the sake of brevity, only the subject is given. They are referenced by year, Representative Meeting (RM), Interim Meeting (IM) or Yearly Meeting (YM), page in Yearbook, and, number of minute (#).
1967 “Thereupon Baltimore Yearly Meeting of Friends, Stony Run, and Baltimore Yearly Meeting of Friends (Orthodox) each separately approved the Articles of Consolidation. This action, to become effective January 1, 1968, draws together in one body our members torn asunder one hundred and forty years ago” (YM, p3).
1968 Report of the Yearly Meeting Trustees recommending that the Executive Committee proceed with the construction of the Yearly Meeting office and residence of the Executive Secretary in Sandy Spring (YM, p7, #40).
1968 General Epistle of the Baltimore Yearly Meeting. “In our 297th annual session, when we are once again a united Yearly Meeting after a separation of 140 years, we experience joyous feeling of unity and fellowship” (YM, #21).
1968 Statement Regarding the Selective Service System (YM, #22).
1969 The Executive Committee and Trustees to proceed with the signing of the building contract and the borrowing of the necessary funds to complete the office-residence with all reasonable speed (YM, p10, #26).
1969 A concern that there is need for a better dissemination of information about Yearly Meeting business and concerns (YM, p14, #37).
1970 “With the moving of the Yearly Meeting office to the new building in Sandy Spring on May 12, the pattern of work for the executive secretary and office secretary has already begun to change” (YM, p43).
1971 300th Annual session of Baltimore Yearly Meeting. A history of Baltimore Yearly Meeting, 1672 - 1972, is being written by Bliss Forbush (YM, p2).
1971 Bethesda was welcomed as a new Monthly Meeting (YM, p3, #5).
1971 Executive Secretary suggested it was time to consider writing new Faith & Practice (YM, p4, #18).
1972 Minute on the People’s Blockade was approved to support members and others who attempt non-violently to prevent shipment of weapons of war (YM, p15, #66).
1972 Young Friends minute supporting non-payment of taxes that go for war related purposes (YM, p15, #67).
1972 Minute on Racism approved (YM, p17, #72).
1973 Welcome to our new Meeting, Gettysburg Monthly Meeting, Pipe Creek and Gunpowder Meetings are part of both FUM and FGC (YM, p1).
1973 Minute on Amnesty was approved (YM, p6).
1973 Minute on disposition of real property was approved (YM, p12).
1973 Minute on membership on Yearly Meeting committees was approved (YM, p14).
1973 Minute of concern on espionage was approved to be sent to our Congresspersons (YM, p15).
1973 The Meeting approved a minute from Young Friends on Sexuality (YM, pp16-17).
1973 Minute on Implications of “Watergate” (YM, pp17-18).
1974 Black Creek Meeting House and Parsonage in Sedley, VA, was sold. The proceeds are to be used in the Virginia Quarter area (YM, p3, #9).
1974 Non-Friends may serve on a Yearly Meeting Committee if recommended by their Monthly Meeting (YM, p7, #26).
1974 Homewood Friends Meeting accepted the Meeting at Columbia, MD, as a preparative Meeting (Executive Committee, p37, #73-46).
1975 The deed transferring West Nottingham Meeting House and burial ground to the Cecil County Historical Society has been signed (YM, p2, #9).
1975 Centre Monthly Meeting asked to be laid down. They have no property or burial ground. This was approved (YM, p3, #15).
1975 Friends approved a minute concerning the long-standing and extensive problem of secret imprisonment and the torture, rape, and severe maltreatment of political prisoners throughout the world (YM, p13, #83).
1975 Friends approved a minute deploring the abuse of working men and women, particularly migrant workers (YM, 16, #95).
1975 Friends approved a minute opposing the sale of military arms (YM, p17, #100).
1976 Executive Committee recommended changing its name to Representative Meeting. This was approved (YM, 4, #13).
1976 New worship groups were reported in Washington, VA, Lynchburg, VA, and Reston, VA, and Westminster, MD. A Meeting is held once a month at Brick Meeting House, Calvert, MD (YM, p5, #18).
1976 Friends approved changing the Manual of Procedure to use “Clerk” and “Assistant Clerk” instead of “Chairman” and “Vice-Chairman” where appropriate (YM, p12, #77).
1976 Friends approved the recommendation of the Ad Hoc Committee on FUM/FGC Sections that they meet only on call as needed (YM, p3, #80).
1976 Four minutes brought by the Peace Committee were approved: 1) war and disarmament; 2) Continental Walk; 3) simplicity; and 4) conflict (YM, pp16-17, #92-95).
1976 Minute concerning torture brought by the Socio-Economic Coordinating Committee was approved (YM, p19, #98).
1976 A minute proposed by the Advancement & Outreach Committee pertaining to Meetings for Worship within penal institutions was approved (YM, p20, #105).
1977 Bethel Friends Meeting requested that their membership in Baltimore Yearly Meeting be transferred to North Carolina Yearly Meeting (FUM). They are closer physically to North Carolina Eastern Quarter. Friends approved this request with love and affection (YM, p2, #4).
1977 The Peace Committee brought forth a letter to President Carter warmly commending his decision to halt the B-1 bomber and urged him to do the same for the neutron bomb and cruise missile. The letter was approved (YM, p11, #53).
1977 A letter from the Peace Committee on the Genocide Treaty was approved. This will be sent to Senators (YM, p11, #54).
1978 The Socio-Economic Committee asked Baltimore Yearly Meeting to endorse and support a program entitled “Friends for Creative Conflict Resolution. This was approved and an appeal for funds was sent (YM, p6, #24).
1978 The Social Order Committee presented a minute concerning the Olympic Prison to be at the site of the 1980 Olympic games. The Committee opposes not only this prison but the whole prison system in this country. Friends approved the minute (YM, pp10-11, #50).
1978 Friends approved a minute brought by the Peace Committee on compulsory national service (YM, 11, #51).
1978 Friends approved a minute by the Peace Committee on the United Nations Special Session on disarmament (YM, p11, #53).
1978 Minute from Langley Hill Meeting concerning the AFSC affirmative action program was approved (YM, p17, #87).
1979 The Peace Committee presented a minute opposing the arms bazaar to be held in Washington. This was approved. (YM, pp7-8, #31).
1979 The Meeting approved a minute opposing a Constitutional Amendment that would outlaw abortion (YM, p8, #34) (see p13, #65).
1979 A minute on Affirmative Action in Employment was approved (YM, p10, #46).
1979 Three minutes from the Peace Committee were approved: 1) against reinstating the draft registration; 2) to defeat part of the SALT II Treaty and ratify other parts; 3) against nuclear fission power plants (YM, pp11-12, #56).
1979 Ministry & Counsel Committee set up a Yearly Meeting Counseling Service, allowing Friends to seek counseling at a minimum cost and subsidized by the Yearly Meeting (Report, 31).
1979 Supervisory Committee approved a minute stating that a sojourning Friend would be accepted for membership on a committee (RM, p51, #79-7b).
1980 Three new worship groups were mentioned: Reston, VA; Patuxent, MD; and Frostburg, MD (YM, p11, #48).
1980 There is a new worship group in Frederick MD (YM, p15, #61).
1980 A report on Meeting records was given. All records have been sent to the Maryland Hall of Records to be microfilmed and then deposited in the Friends Historical Library at Swarthmore College or the Quaker Collection in the Haverford College Library. They are to be open to all (YM, p16, #64).
1981 The Meeting approved a minute on the Law of the Seas Treaty (YM, p12, #42).
1981 The Clerk recognized several new Meeting groups: Williamsburg Worship Group, Reston Preparative, Patuxent Allowed, Frederick Worship Group, and Frostburg (YM, p20, #59).
1981 A letter to President Ronald Reagan asking him to demonstrate a higher priority for peace and human need in his actions was approved (YM, p24, #70).
1981 The Circuit Court in Montgomery County overturned the Maryland Tax Court decision and restored full tax-exempt status for Yearly Meeting property (RM, p44, #81-2).
1981 Representatives Meeting approved a minute on our standards of appropriate behavior among Young Friends (RM, p40 in 1982 Yearbook, #82-4).
1982 A letter to President Reagan, U.S. and President Brezhnev, U.S.S.R. was sent along with 1000 paper cranes that had been folded at Yearly Meeting, 500 to each (YM, p16, #54).
1982 Friends approved a minute on military taxes (YM, p16, #55).
1982 Friends approved a minute on draft resistance (YM, p16, #57).
1983 There is a new Preparative Meeting in Harrisonburg, VA (YM, p2, #7).
1983 The Meeting approved a minute on asylum and refuge for illegal immigrants (YM, pp20-21, #68).
1984 The Meeting approved a minute welcoming contributions from Monthly Meetings and individuals for counselor scholarships (YM, p10, #35).
1984 One hundred and seventy-five years ago Baltimore Yearly Meeting helped start some Quarterly Meetings in Ohio (RM, p46, #84-27).
1985 A minute brought forth by the Stewardship Committee was approved stating the use of the Yearly Meeting mailing list to be used by Monthly Meetings, Quaker organizations, and BYM Committees (YM, pp15-16).
1985 The Meeting approved a minute brought forth by the Social Order Committee concerning Apartheid (YM, p18, #52).
1985 A revised minute from the Peace Committee was approved (YM, p18, #54).
1985 The Spiritual Formation program was set up under the Nurture and Recognition of Ministry (YM, p21, #68).
1985 Minute concerning remaining part of Friends United Meeting was read and approved (YM, p22, #73).
1986 A minute recommended by Representatives Meeting concerning BYM Young Adults was approved (YM, p2, #6).
1986 Friends approved a minute presented by the Peace Committee as the “Draft Registration Minute”, otherwise known as the Solomon Amendment Minute (YM, pp15-16, #59).
1986 There was hearty approval of Harrisonburg Preparative Meeting be set off as an independent constituent Monthly Meeting (YM, p20, #74).
1986 A Spiritual Friendship oversight committee was formed under the care of the Ministry and Counsel Committee (RM, p44, #85-45).
1986 A proposal for establishing a BYM Young Adult “Committee” was presented, consisting of several parts. Representatives Meeting endorsed sections 3 and 4 and asked that travel money be put in the budget (RM, pp48-49, #86-11).
1987 The Peace Committee proposed a minute to make the Baltimore Yearly Meeting’s properties a nuclear-free zone. This was approved (YM, p17, #60).
1987 The Social Concerns Committee presented a minute on the death penalty. This was approved (YM, p17, #62).
1987 Patuxent worship group was approved to be an Allowed Meeting under the care of Annapolis Meeting (YM, p22, #85).
1987 Richmond Meeting recommended that Williamsburg become a Monthly Meeting. This was approved (YM, p22, #86).
1987 There was approval that Reston become a full Monthly Meeting (YM, p22, #87).
1987 Friends approved a minute on Central American refugees brought forth from the Social Concerns Committee (YM, p22, #91).
1987 There was approval of a Peace Minute brought forth by the Peace Committee that recorded “profound acceptance of the Peace Testimony of the Religious Society of Friends (RM, p51,# 86-49).
1987 Allegheny Preparative Meeting has been formed under the care of Dunnings Creek Meeting (RM, p58, #87-7).
1988 The Staff Search Committee recommended Frank Massey to be the new General Secretary of Baltimore Yearly Meeting. This was approved (RM, p23, #88-45).
1988 A minute on gun-control was presented by the Social Concerns Committee and approved (YM, p16, #6).
1988 The Faith & Practice of Baltimore Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends was approved (YM, pp20-21, # 8).
1988 The Social Concerns Committee presented a minute concerning the appointment of homosexuals by Friends United Meeting. This was approved (YM, pp21-22, #9).
1988 Little Falls Meeting celebrated their 250th Anniversary in September (YM, p23, #19).
1988 The Meeting approved a letter from the Indian Affairs Committee to FCNL concerning issues relating to Native Americans (YM, p31, # 11).
1988 Warrington Quarter recommended that Carlisle Preparative Meeting become a Monthly Meeting. This was approved (YM, p31, # 13).
1989 The Yearly Meeting agreed to support Philadelphia Yearly Meeting in a suit against the Internal Revenue Service concerning not withholding of war tax from employees (RM, pp12-13, #89*16).
1989 Representatives Meeting agreed to support the American Friends Service Committee in their challenge to the Immigration Control and Reform Act of 1986 (RM, p13, #89-17).
1989 Representatives Meeting approved a minute concerning the Immigration Control and Reform Act (RM, pp14-17, #89- 25).
1989 Representatives Meeting approved a minute concerning the war-tax resistance issue (RM, pp17-20, #89-26).
1989 The Modesty Skirt for the clerk’s table was introduced as a plain piece of material waiting for a square from each Monthly Meeting to be stitched onto it (YM, p45, #10).
1989 Approval was given for a minute on the American flag and its meaning and purpose (YM, p48, #5).
1990 Maury River, formerly Lexington Preparative Meeting under the care of Charlottesville Meeting, became a Monthly Meeting. There is a worship group in Farmville, VA, that is considering becoming an Indulged Meeting under the care of Richmond Meeting (YM, p35, #29).
1990 Friends approved a minute asking Monthly, Quarterly, and Half-Yearly Meetings within Baltimore Yearly Meeting to examine the relationship between the American Friends Service Committee and the wider Religious Society of Friends (YM, p51,#68).
1990 A minute on Human Rights in Kenya was approved (YM, p52, #72).
1990 Queries, and responses, for Consideration during a Threshing Session on Quarterly Meetings (YM, pp59-62).
1991 Friends approved a minute to be sent to Friends Church Southwest Yearly Meeting concerning our inability to unite with their minute on the realignment of Friends (YM, pp60-62, #65).
1991 A Peace Committee minute concerning military personnel who want to claim conscientious objector status was approved (YM, p63, #72).
1992 The purchase of “The Quaker Camp at Shiloh” was approved (RM, pp6-7, #46).
1992 New Meetings in Virginia: Roanoke/Blacksburg became two Monthly Meetings. Floyd Meeting was recognized as a Monthly Meeting. Norfolk Preparative Meeting came under the care of Williamsburg Monthly Meeting (YM, p52, #56).
1993 Friends approved a minute brought forth by Baltimore Monthly Meeting, Homewood on concerns of overpopulation. The Yearly Meeting approved this concern along with four queries relating to the minute (RM, pp16-17, #5).
1993 A request to set up an Ad-Hoc Committee on Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Concerns was approved (YM, 49, #58).
1993 The G.O.O.D. (Get Out Of Debt) Committee raised $17.000 in pledges to reduce the debt of Shiloh during this Annual Session and promises of early payment of $35,000 have been received (YM, p50, #65).
1994 Friends approved a minute against state sponsored gambling (RM, p22, #25).
1994 Approval was given for a minute on Family Planning (RM, p22, #25).
1994 Friends approved a minute protesting the U.S. Army School of the Americas that trains soldiers from Latin America (YM, p49, #47).
1994 The transfer of ownership of Catoctin Quaker Camp to Baltimore Yearly Meeting was approved (YM, pp54-55, #54).
1995 The Friends Peace Team Project asked to be taken under the care of Baltimore Yearly Meeting until a permanent home was found. Friends approved (RM, p22, #24).
1995 Three new Monthly Meetings were announced: Patuxent with thanks to Annapolis Meeting for their patient support; Quaker Lake Monthly Meeting expressed appreciation for Charlottesville; Midlothian Monthly Meeting thanked Richmond. Frederick is now a Preparative Meeting. Midlothian has under its care Colonial Heights Worship Group.
1996 An announcement was made that there is a new Worship Group in Montgomery County, MD. The name has not been finalized, but will probably be Seneca Valley (RM, p18, #30).
1996 Friends approved laying down the G.O.O.D. Committee, with many thanks for their hard work (YM, p29, #7).
1996 Final approval to have Catoctin Quaker Camp transferred to Baltimore Yearly Meeting (YM, p33, #18 and YM, p44, #4).
1996 A F.U.T.U.R.E. (Friends Uniting To Use Resources Effectively) Committee to raise money for many projects was approved (YM, p65,#71).
1996 Friends approved a minute opposing the death penalty (YM, p66, #74).
1997 Friends had a lengthy discussion concerning not paying the portion of income tax withholding from war tax resisters and the consequences of the officers (RM, pp10-17, #5).
1997 It was announced that there is a new Worship Group in Willis Wharf, VA, on the Eastern Shore that is under the care of Williamsburg Meeting (RM, p22,#22).
1998 The Program Committee brought forth a minute disallowing use of alcohol or any illegal drugs at Baltimore Yearly Meeting functions and discouraging the use of tobacco (RM, p18, #28).
1998 We learned of the revival of Fawn Grove Preparative Meeting under the care of Deer Creek Meeting. Fawn Grove had been dormant for a century.
1998 A minute from the Criminal and Restorative Justice Committee urging the elimination of the death penalty was sent to governors and legislatures of the states of Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and the Mayor and Council of the District of Columbia (YM, p65, #66).
1999 It was announced that Deer Creek Meeting has withdrawn from Nottingham Quarterly Meeting (RM, p9, #7).
1999 Virginia Half-Year’s Meeting presented a minute concerning Equality of Marriage Rights (YM, p28, #23).
1999 It was reported that Hopewell and Winchester Centre Meetings have merged. They will meet at Hopewell Meeting and will be called Hopewell Centre Meeting (YM, p36, #34).
2000 It was reported that there is now a Worship Group in Shepherdstown, West Virginia (RM, p19, #12).
2000 The Criminal and Restorative Justice Committee brought forth a minute on the Moratorium 2000 Campaign to be endorsed by Baltimore Yearly Meeting. This was approved (YM, p37, #39).
2000 The Peace and Social Concerns Committee presented a minute opposing the Missile Defense System. This was approved (YM, pp47-48, #71).
2000 A minute initiated by the American Friends Service Committee and the Fellowship for Reconciliation regarding the U.S. sanctions against Iraq was approved (YM, p48, #71).
2001 The Peace and Social Concerns Committee presented a minute concerning the conditions on the West Bank and Gaza. This minute was approved and will be sent to Ramallah Monthly Meeting and to Friends United Meeting (RM, pp17-18, #8).
2001 Trustees recommended that the money from the Conservation Easement on the Catoctin property be put into a temporary restricted fund to be used for capital projects (YM, p67, #38).
2001 It was announced that as of 2nd day of Seventh Month Patuxent Meeting now owns their own building (YM, p71, #53).
2002 Friends accepted a minute from Friends United Meeting (YM, pp42-43, #27).
2002 Young Friends presented a minute that they had approved that the Yearly Meeting should embrace same-sex marriages (YM, p44, #29).
2002 There was approval that Patapsco Friends Meeting become a full Monthly Meeting (YM, p48, #40).
2002 Friends approved a minute brought forth by the Peace and Social Concerns Committee concerning the “Religious Freedom Peace Tax Fund” (YM, pp53-54, #42).
2002 A Minute on House Concurrent Resolution #368 that states “that it is the sense of Congress that reinstating the military draft, or any other form of compulsory military service in the U.S. would be detrimental to the long term military interest of the US, violative of individual liberties protected by the Constitution, and inconsistent with the values underlying a free society as expressed in the Declaration of Independence.” This was approved (YM, p54, #42).
2002 Friends approved a minute brought forth by the delegates to the Friends United Meeting Triennial held in Kenya in 2002 (YM, pp55-56, #43).
2002 A minute on Restorative Justice was approved by Friends (YM, pp58-59, #51).
2003 Friends approved a Minute on Reaffirming the Peace Testimony (IM, pp5-6, #38).
2003 Peace and Social Concerns Committee brought forth a minute on the current situation in Iraq. This was approved (IM, p6, #39).
2004 Friends approved a minute on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (YM, pp78-80, #61).
2005 Friends heard a report concerning Friendly Adult Presence (FAP) and the safety of our young people (IM, pp13-18, #26).
2005 A mission statement for the Intervisitation Program was presented and approved (IM, p35, #3).
2005 A Minute against the Federal Marriage Amendment was approved (IM, pp50-51, #14).
2005 Friends approved a Minute on Torture and Abuse of Prisoners (YM, pp79-80, #12).
2006 Friends approved a Minute for the Religious Freedom Peace Tax Bill (IM, p41, # 12).
2006 A Minute to Honor and Continue Tom Fox’s Work on Iraqi Detainees was approved (IM, pp42-43, # 13).
2006 The Peace and Social Concerns brought forth a “Letter to the President on the Humanitarian Crisis facing the Palestinian People.” This was approved (IM, p74, #52).
2006 The Criminal and Restorative Justice Committee presented a minute to Friends concerning the “Enemy Combatant Military Commission” (YM, p125, #68).
2007 Friends approved listing the Friends Wilderness Center as an organization to which one or more representatives would be named (IM, pp13-14, #62).
2007 The Peace and Social Concerns Committee brought forth a minute on Supporting Peace in Sudan. This was approved (IM, p25, #69).
2007 BYM representatives to Friends United Meeting reported serious concerns about the current direction of the FUM Board (YM, pp68-73, #21).
2007 It was announced that Maury River Meeting has established a new Preparative Meeting, Greenbrier Valley Friends, in Beckley, West Virginia. Also South Mountain Friends Fellowship, under the care of Patapsco Friends Meeting, has been formed in the prison near Hagerstown, MD (YM, p82, #40).
2008 A letter from the Peace and Social Concerns Committee concerning the violence in the Middle East. Friends approved this letter (YM, pp104-105, #71).
2009 Abingdon Friends Meeting, Abingdon, Virginia, was welcomed into the Baltimore Yearly Meeting community (YM, p84, 13).
2009 The Advancement and Outreach Committee proposed that Baltimore Yearly Meeting take the Friends Meeting School under its spiritual care. Friends approved the recommendation (YM, p129, #61).
2010 Friends were presented with a Youth Safety Policy document. This has been worked on for quite some time. Friends approved (IM, pp15-16, #47).
2010 Dunnings Creek Meeting and Fishertown Meeting are reunited after many decades of separation (IM, p44, #04).
2010 A letter from the Peace and Social Concerns Committee protesting the sale of arms to Israel to be sent to President Barrack Obama was approved (YM, pp111-112, #58).
2011 Friends approved laying down Quaker Lake Meeting (IM, p13, #43).
2011 The Indian Affairs Committee brought forth a minute for the United States to endorse the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. This was approved (IM, p14, #46).
2011 Monongalia Monthly Meeting, Morgantown, West Virginia, and Buckhannon Preparative Meeting, Elkins, West Virginia, transferred their memberships from Lake Erie Yearly Meeting to Baltimore Yearly Meeting, Friends welcomed those present with great joy (YM, p91, #31).
2011 Friends have been working on a Visioning Statement for Baltimore Yearly Meeting for some time. The statement was presented and approved. It was also approved to lay down the ad hoc committee (YM, p91, #50).
2011 The Miles White Beneficial Society was accepted as a supporting organization of Baltimore Yearly Meeting (YM, p96, #72).
2012 The Indian Affairs Committee brought forth a minute repudiating the Doctorine of Discovery. This was approved. (YM, p91, #43).
2012 There was approval for replacing the Educational Loan Program with an Educational Grants Program. The Educational Loan Committee was renamed the Educational Grants Committee. (IM, p46, #30).
2012 There was approval that Mattaponi Preparative Meeting become a full Monthly Meeting (YM, p74, #10).
2012 There was approval that Shepherdstown Preparative Meeting become a full Monthly Meeting (YM, p74, #11).
2013 There was approval for creating the Working Group on Israel-Palestine under the care of the Peace and Social Concerns Committee. (IM, p88, #34).
2013 There was approval for creating the Intervisitation Working Group under the care of the Ministry and Pastoral Care Committee. (IM, p89, #38).
2013 There was approval for creating a Youth Safety Policy Working Group under the care of the Trustees of Baltimore Yearly Meeting. (IM, p89, #39).
2013 After deep discernment, proposed changes to Faith and Practice were not accepted. (YM, p137, #56).
2014 The Ministry and Pastoral Care Committee brought forth a minute on inclusion. This was approved. (YM, p98, #42).
2014 The Working Group on Racism brought forth a minute on punishment of offenders. This was approved. (YM, p99, #46).
2015 There was approval for creating the Camp Diversity Working Group under the care of the Camping Program Committee. (IM, p16, #56).
2015 There was approval for creating the Internet Communications Working Group under the care of the Advancement and Outreach Committee. (IM, p55, #3).
2015 There was approval for affiliating the Yearly Meeting with the Maryland Alliance for Justice Reform. (IM, p56, #10).
2015 There was approval for creating the Working Group on Right Relationship with Animals under the care of the Unity with Nature Committee. (IM, p83, #23).
2015 There was approval for creating the ad hoc Healthy Organization and Purposeful Evolution Committee. (IM, p86, #32).
2015 There was approval for creating the ad hoc Growing Diverse Leadership Evolution Committee. (YM, p150, #78).
2015 There was approval for creating the ad hoc Growing Diverse Leadership Evolution Committee. (YM, p150, #78).
2015 Robert J. "Bob" Rhudy was introduced as the Interim General Secretary. (YM, p125, #21).
2016 The Camp Diversity Working Group was renamed the Strengthening Transformative Relationships in Diverse Environments (STRIDE) Working Group. (IM, p47, #10).
2016 There was approval for a Minute in Support of Freedom of Religion in a time of growing violence and intolerance. (IM, p49, #20).
2016 The ad hoc General Secretary Search Committee recommended Edward "Ned" Stowe to be the new General Secretary of Baltimore Yearly Meeting. This was approved (IM, p69, #28).
2016 The ad hoc Healthy Organization and Purposeful Evolution Committee presented it report. (YM, p101, #23).
2016 There was approval for a request from the Unity with Nature Committee that Friends and Meetings make efforts to determine their carbon footprints. (YM, p109, #42)
2016 There was approval of changes to the by-laws of Friends House. (YM, p113, #88).
2016 There was approval of a revision to the Vision Statement. (YM, p121, #79).
2017 There was approval for a Minute in Solidarity with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. (IM, p20, #52)
2017 There was approval for creating the ad hoc Faith and Practice Process Clarification Committee. (IM, p20, #55)
2017 There was approval for moving forward with the construction of a new bathhouse at Catoctin Quaker Camp and the needed changes to the 2017 budget. (IM, p22, #60)
2017 There was approval for releasing Abingdon Friends Meeting from the Yearly Meeting. (IM, p57, #3)
2017 There was approval for signing an open letter to Donald Trump calling for reconsideration of plans to nullify Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. (IM, p58, #8)
2017 There was concurrent in the formation of the Working Group on Refugees, Immigrants, and Sanctuary. (IM, p90, #30)
2017 The ad hoc Healthy Organization and Purposeful Evolution Committee was laid down. (IM, p93, #40)
2017 There was approval of renaming the Faith and Practice Revision Committee to the Faith and Practice Committee, and of changes to the committee's description in the Manual of Procedure. (YM, p192, #17)
2017 The ad hoc Faith and Practice Process Clarification Committee was laid down. (YM, p192, #17)
2017 There was approval for adding Friends Peace Teams as an affiliated organization of the Yearly Meeting. (YM, p199, #36)
2017 There was approval for a new Apportionment Formula. (YM, p203, #46)
2017 There was approval for creating the staff positions of Associate General Secretary and Administrative Assistant and removing the position of Administration Manager. (IM, p125, #55)
2017 There was approval for ending the Yearly Meeting's affiliation with the National Religious Coalition Against Torture (NRCAT). (IM, p176, #62)
2017 There was approval for adding the Interfaith Coalition for Human Rights (IAHR) as an affiliated organization of the Yearly Meeting. (IM, p176, #62)
2018 There was approval for revisions to the Youth Safety Policy. (IM, p79, #10)
2018 There was approval for a Minute on the Civil and Human Rights of Transgender People. (IM, p128, #27)
2018 There was approval for the formation of the Pastoral Care Working Group under the care of the Ministry and Pastoral Care Committee. (IM, p129, #31)
2018 There was approval for a renewed charge for the ad hoc Growing Diverse Leadership Committee. (YM, p168, #39)
2018 There was approval for a revised Minute on the Civil and Human Rights of Transgender and Non-Binary People. (YM, p181, #74)
2018 There was approval for the formation of the Civil and Human Rights of Transgender and Non-Binary People Working Group under the care of the Peace and Social Concerns Committee. (YM, p181, #74)
2018 There was approval for a Minute on Food Choices. (YM, p187, #83)
2018 There was approval for laying down of the Right Sharing of World Resources Working Group (IM, p14, #44)
2018 There was approval for adding Rights Sharing of World Resources an affiliated organization of the Yearly Meeting and appointing a liason to the group. (IM, p14, #44)
2018 There was approval of a Minute on Immigration (IM, p14, #44)
2019 There was approval for adding the Quaker Religious Education Collaborative an affiliated organization of the Yearly Meeting and appointing a representative to the group. (IM, p45, #03)
2019 There was approval of a letter to President Donald Trump regarding a proposed policy on transgender people in the military. (IM, p46, #4)
2019 There was approval for creation of the Growing Diverse Leadership Committee as a standing committee of the Yearly Meeting. (IM, p48, #11)
2019 There was approval for bringing the Strengthening Transformative Relationships in Diverse Environments (STRIDE) Working Group under the care of the Growing Diverse Leadership Committee, (IM, p48, #11)
2019 There was approval for a full-time STRIDE Coordinator position on the Yearly Meeting staff, (IM, p48, #11)
2019 There was concurrence with the formation of an End of Life Working Group under the care of Peace and Social Concerns Committee, (IM, p80, #24)
2019 There was concurrence with the formation of a Growing Our Meetings Working Group under the care of the Advancement and Outreach Committee, (IM, p82, #37)
2019 There was approval of a Declaration of Baltimore Yearly Meeting as an Anti-Racist Faith Community. (YM, p128, #72)