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Called Fifth Month 2020 Interim Meeting

Saturday, May 16, 2020
10:00 am11:30 am
Virtual Event by Zoom

Called Interim Meeting
Saturday, May 16, 2020
10:00 – 11:30 am by Zoom
Please RSVP to
Dear BYM Friends,
To keep the work of BYM moving forward during this pandemic time, there will be a called Interim Meeting on Saturday morning, May 16 by Zoom, BYM’s teleconferencing program. Documents to prepare Friends for this meeting will be sent by email on May 8.
Yes, just a month ago our regular Interim Meeting was canceled because there was so much going on as we adjusted to the conditions of the pandemic. While only a month has passed (it seems much longer!), I think we are now ready to take on the challenge of spiritual discernment as a Yearly Meeting by Zoom. And to keep the work of BYM moving forward, we need to meet.
First, I hope this letter finds you well and handling with some peace the things that these times are bringing your way.
We are having a called IM because we need to hold our current circumstances as a Yearly Meeting in worship together. A big part of this is our financial situation. But before we get to that, I’d like to share good news with you.
Good news? Yes. BYM has been awarded a loan/grant under the CARES Act. As a small business, BYM is receiving federal funds to cover payroll and some other expenses for about two months. Montgomery County also awarded a grant to BYM to help cover payroll. This is very important because it has given BYM much needed funds, that in turn give BYM time to think carefully (and with less pressure) about how we can go about cutting our budget and changing our program should deep budget cuts be needed.
Also good news—BYM’s cash flow problem has been eased by the early paying of the full apportionment amount by a number of Meetings within BYM. Thank you!
Even with these very good and helpful things, our financial situation now is not strong and we will most likely need to make cuts to the 2020 budget (our budget year begins January 1). Some of these changes may have been necessary anyway though perhaps later in the year. In early March, just before the pandemic settled in, our financial reports for 2019 and early 2020 showed that we have been outspending our income.
We are now in very uncertain times. We are not in a strong financial position, and we don’t know what donations will be like this year and if all Meetings will be able to pay their apportionment. Some people experience these times with financial ease and others do not. We would like to reduce our expenses now so that we are not caught with a huge deficit at the end of the year.
And we potentially have an even bigger situation before us. If our camps do not open this summer, or open for a shorter season, BYM will still need to cover the costs of maintaining our camps. This is unprecedented for our Yearly Meeting. If this becomes necessary, we may need to make significant cuts to our budget so we can cover these costs.
At our called IM, we will also have the chance to worship together. We will hold our Yearly Meeting and all the Friends who are part of it in the Light. And we can hold together the question of what we are called to do in this pandemic time, as individuals, Meetings, and as a Yearly Meeting. We need to be open to new leadings of the Spirit at this time.
Who should come to the called IM? Representatives from Meetings, BYM Committee clerks, Supervisory Committee members, and BYM officers should attend. If you would like to attend and you are not in one of these groups, please be in touch with me.
We are still planning to have our regularly scheduled Interim Meeting on June 13, also by Zoom teleconferencing. Other business can be brought to that Meeting. The May 16 IM will focus on the current financial situation, affirming decisions made by Supervisory Committee on behalf of IM since we didn’t meet in March, perhaps one or two committee nominations, and time to worship together.
Documents for our called meeting will go out on Friday, May 8. It is essential that you read these documents, ask questions of those who prepared the documents, and be ready for the meeting on the 16th. Videoconferencing is demanding, and we all need to be well prepared. We will meet for about 90 minutes, which should be plenty of time. We can call another meeting if needed.
We are in a very altered world, all trying to do our best. If you are uncomfortable with Zoom, you are not alone! But I trust the Spirit will be with us and that we will all be seeking the very best in each other and in our community.
With best wishes,
Marcy Baker Seitel
BYM Clerk of Interim Meeting

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