Rising From the Ashes:
A BYM Programmed Meeting Toward Connection
and Repair of the Harms of Racism
Called by the Clerks of
Yearly Meeting, Interim Meeting, and the BYM Global Majority Caucus
Saturday, Dec 3rd
12:00pm - 4:00pm
Light hospitality will begin at 11am
Stony Run Friends Meeting & Online via Zoom
Friends will gather on December 3rd to acknowledge and honor the pain of racism experienced by Friends of Color within our Yearly Meeting, to help White Friends see their complicity in that pain, and to take the next steps on the road to repair of our beloved community. The Meeting is for all Quakers who have the courage to face their complicity in the white dominated system of racism. Together we will be uncomfortable and afraid and have the courage to move forward anyway for the sake of humanity and for love of God’s world. The programmed agenda will include silent and spoken worship, music, movement and body practices, deep listening, and the sharing of Testimonies of Complicity. We expect to end on a gathered commitment to next bold steps in living into being an anti-racist faith community.
Friends who wish to explore some initial Testimonies of Complicity can do so here.
Questions can be directed to Thomas Webb, Clerk of Interim Meeting (IMclerk@bym-rsf.org) or Steph Bean, Clerk of Yearly Meeting (YMclerk@bym-rsf.org).
- In-Person Fellowship (11:00am)
The Zoom room will also open starting at 11am for Friends who wish to log-in early to worship and enjoy a selection of music and slides.
- Opening Worship, Spoken Prayer, and Welcomes (~12:00pm)
- Offering of Testimonies & Responses (~1:00pm)
- Break (~2:00pm)
- Offering of Testimonies & Responses (~2:10pm)
- Stepping into Testimony & Action (~3:15pm)
- Closing Words, Prayer, & Worship (~3:45pm)
- Meeting Concludes (4:00pm)
Supporting Documents
The documents below are not business items that will be acted on at the Meeting. Instead, they are resources that Friends may find useful before or after the Meeting.
- BYM Testimonies of Complicity
- Sign Up Form to get more involved in anti-racism work at BYM
- Friends General Conference BIPOC Women's Space
- Friends General Conference Ministry on Racism
- Weekly Worship for White Friends Confronting Racism
- Fit for Freedom, Not for Friendship: Quakers, African Americans, and the Myth of Racial Justice