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Affiliated Organizations Events

This page displays events coming up in the next month. To see more, please go to the main events page here and select the category "Other Quaker Organizations Events".

February 2020

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Friday, February 7, 2020Sunday, February 9, 2020
The Retreat House of Holy Cross Abbey (Berryville, VA)

Participants will experience the distinctly Quaker way of knowing solitude in community. We will go deep together in expectant waiting, attending to the divine stirrings within, ready to open to Grace. There will be individual time for prayer, reflection, rest, and walks. Meals will be taken in silence, and you’ll be welcome to read, journal, do handwork or artwork, or engage in similar quiet activity in the common spaces. There will also be opportunities to share in small reflection groups, as well as an invitation to meeting with a retreat leader if you wish. Anyone who would like to hear the monks chant the Psalms will be welcome in the Abbey chapel during Divine Office. The Retreat House is a modern structure, and its rooms are simple but comfortable – single occupancy, each with its own bathroom. Leaders Rita Willett and Catherine Cox are both graduates of the School of the Spirit Ministry’s program On Being a Spiritual Nurturer, and Rita was a teacher in that program. She holds a degree from Earlham School of Religion and has been a student in Shalem’s Nurturing the Call: Spiritual Guidance Program. Catherine is a graduate of Shalem’s Transforming Community: Leading Contemplative Prayer Groups and Retreats Program. The full cost is $280, minimum fee is $200.

Friday, February 14, 2020Sunday, February 16, 2020
Claggett Center (Adamstown, MD)

We are delighted to announce that Lisa Marchiano, LCSW and Jungian Analyst will be our speaker for WFCRP this year! We know Lisa because she is one of the conveners for the Philadelphia Association of Jungian Analysts (PAJA) Seminar. (This seminar provides advanced study and discussion of Jungian concepts and is the first step in the process for Analyst Training.) Lisa is a mythologist and is a recognized authority on fairy tales. She is a fun and dynamic speaker and will provide an interactive environment in which we can investigate the Negative Father Complex. This may be our personal complex, but it also may be a complex in our culture. So we will examine it from all angles. How timely!

Our website is under construction! However, you can register easily by contact Dixon Bell at (preferred), text to 304-268-8510, or phone directly at 304-268-8510. In your message:
1. Indicate whether you wish a single or double room (if double and you have a roommate in mind, give me the name of that person);
2. Indicate your interest group
3. Include your contact information;
Fees: Single: $380; Double: $345; Commuter: $175; Student: $175. Mail your payment to R. Dixon Bell, 357 Bailey Road, Glengary, WV 25421. Make all checks payable to FCRP.

Saturday, February 22, 2020
12:00 pm4:30 pm
Langley Hill Friends Meeting (McLean, VA)

The Friends Wilderness Center is focusing many of its programs for 2020 on the themes of connecting with Nature and of living sustainably. Our February 22nd program is a special off-site program held at Langley Hill Friends Meeting (6410 Georgetown Pike, McLean, VA 22101) to allow for a larger audience to participate in a dialogue about global climate disruption and how each of us can take action to mitigate it. Structured both to educate and to inspire, this 3-part program will hopefully inspire you to add your voice, your heart and your talents to shaping a sustainable future for future generations and the planet they will inhabit. As Kallan Benson, our youngest presenter, noted in her September 2019 speech to the gathered environmental delegates at the United Nations in New York, “Giving up is not an option.” A home-cooked lunch and dessert will be available for a charge of $10 with an advance reservation. Brown Bag lunches are permitted. Please RSVP to Sheila Bach by Monday, February 17th at or 571-271-6267 if you plan to attend and let her know if you would like a meal when you do so.

Saturday, February 29, 2020
9:30 am2:30 pm
Hospice of the Panhandle (Kearneysville, WV)

The Eastern Panhandle Green Coalition and the Eastern Panhandle Sierra Club have invited environmental and community leaders from Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia to join a focused discussion of how fossil fuels and heavy industry will impact the environment and the communities within the Potomac Watershed and Chesapeake Bay region. Our aim in bringing together so many leaders from the tri-state area is to examine the impact on our region from 1000 acres of industrial development in the WV Eastern Panhandle. Through roundtable discussion we hope to facilitate communication among all the stakeholders affected by such development, beginning with the Pipeline and Rockwool. Morning refreshments will be available at 9:30 am. The Roundtable formally begins at 10:00 am. Morning speakers are Mary Anne Hitt, Director of Sierra Club Beyond Coal Campaign and Brent Walls, Upper Potomac Riverkeeper, Potomac Riverkeeper Network. Break out discussion groups will focus on the specific environmental issues we can expect across our region’s airshed and watershed, and what we can do about them. After lunch, each breakout group will provide a summary of the responses and conclusions from the morning discussion. This will be an opportunity for processing all we have learned about each other and may offer an approach for working together to address our region’s greatest environmental concerns. Afternoon speakers are Brooke Harper, Campaign Specialist, and Kallan Benson, National Organizer of Fridays for Future. Both morning refreshments and lunch will be provided by EPGC and Sierra Club. Meals will include vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free options. There is no fee for attending the Roundtable. To register or to ask any questions about the Roundtable, email or call Lew Prillaman at 304-261-8299. We look forward to having you join us.

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