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Affiliated Organizations Events

This page displays events coming up in the next month. To see more, please go to the main events page here and select the category "Other Quaker Organizations Events".

March 2019

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Sunday, March 3, 2019
5:30 pm7:30 pm
William Penn House (Washington, DC)

Join us for a vegan feast provided by members of Baltimore Yearly Meeting’s Working Group on Right Relationship with Animals. All the food will be provided, so you need only bring yourself (but if you feel moved to help, please contact Margaret Fisher at After the meal there will be a presentation and worship sharing about the effect our food choices have on animals and on the environment. The event is free. We hope to see you. Please send us a note about any other dietary restrictions you have if you plan on attending! The meal will begin at 5:30pm. To register, go to

Saturday, March 9, 2019
4:00 pm9:00 pm
Friends Wilderness Center (Harpers Ferry, WV)

An afternoon showing of a movie about the carefully preserved Farm House from Tibet that will be installed at the Friends Wilderness Center in 2019/2020 followed by discussion, fellowship and dinner for those who RSVP. Because of limited space for the movie and discussion, we can have only 18 people. The movie will begin at 4:00pm. Please contact Sheila Bach either by phone at 571-271-6267 or by email ( to reserve any or all of the options. After dinner, weather permitting, a telescope tour of the night sky with astronomer Kevin Boles. With clear skies you may see a thin crescent moon after sunset, the planet Mars, double star Castor in the constellation Gemini, the Orion nebula, the double star cluster in Perseus and the Andromeda galaxy.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019
9:00 am6:00 pm
Friends Committee on National Legislation Quaker Welcome Center (Washington, DC)

Join the Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) every Wednesday when Congress is in session. Ready to step up your advocacy and lobby your member of Congress? Drop-in for hands-on advocacy training to prepare for a lobby visit with your Members of Congress. Your voice is powerful and can move legislators towards peace and justice! Lobby Training begins at 9:00am. In the afternoon there is Silent Reflection at 5:15. Calling all DC visitors, passers-by, and staffers, need a time of quiet and calm? Join FCNL for silent reflection. All
are welcome to join this refreshing time of community and fellowship.

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