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Affiliated Organizations Events

This page displays events coming up in the next month. To see more, please go to the mainĀ events page here and select the category "Other Quaker Organizations Events".

February 2017

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Friday, February 17, 2017Sunday, February 19, 2017
Claggett Center (Adamstown, MD)

The plenary speaker for this year is Jungian Analyst Melanie Starr Costello who presents the topic of Decline and Ascent: The Paradoxical Passage of Elderhood. In addition to the plenary sessions, you may join any one of seven (7) Interest Groups. Overnight accommodations are comfortable and all meals are included in the price of the Conference. The themes of the Conference incorporate the Quaker belief in the inner Light, as well as the principles of depth psychology with an emphasis on the work of C.G. Jung. Affiliation with the Religious Society of Friends is not necessary to attend. All are welcome. For questions, contact Loy Jones (301-288-7867) or Susan Brown (301-570-9728 or You may check out the entire program and preregister at

Saturday, February 25, 2017
6:00 pm11:00 pm
Friends Wilderness Center (Harpers Ferry, WV)

Weather permitting (i.e. no rain, snow, thick clouds or dangerously high winds) come join us for an evening of Sky Watching with Kevin Bowles of the Morgan County (WV) Observatory and his telescope. Kevin is a font of wonderful information about the night sky and Cosmos ranging from ancient mythology and star stories to intergalactic collisions and black holes and he loves to share this information on these occasions. Objects that may be visible in the sky include: Venus and Mars if not too low on the horizon, also the Andromeda galaxy, Orion nebula, double cluster in Perseus and Pleiades. So not only can you see some wonderful objects in the sky but you can learn a lot as well. Meet at the Niles Cabin. A home cooked dinner is available at 6:00 if you make a reservation ($10 for ages 7+; 5$ for children under 7. The program will begin at 6:45 for which we are suggesting a $10 tax deductible donation per person (or $25 per family). Please RSVP to Sheila Bach ( if you plan to attend the program and when doing so indicate whether you would like dinner reservations.

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