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Affiliated Organizations Events

This page displays events coming up in the next month. To see more, please go to the main events page here and select the category "Other Quaker Organizations Events".

November 2017

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Thursday, November 2, 2017Friday, November 3, 2017
Washington Court Hotel (Washington, DC)

FCNL very much wishes to extend a hand to Friends who are fired-up to engage and impact Congress in accordance with Quaker values and spirit-led advocacy efforts. Friends who are looking for the change-making resources, structures and accompaniment of other Friends across the country will find all of that at the friends Committee on national Public Policy Institute taking place November 2-3, 2017 in Washington, DC. First-time attendees as well returning Friends can register at a reduced cost from $50-$125, with most meals included. Travel can be financed through FCNL. Do not let funding get in your way of attending this transformative Quaker gathering. For more information and to register, see

Thursday, November 2, 2017Sunday, November 5, 2017
Stony Point Center (Stony Point, NY)

FGC’s Ministry on Racism Program is sponsoring a Fall Gathering for Friends of Color and their immediate family members. This fall, FGC’s Ministry on Racism Program is sponsoring an opportunity for Friends of Color and their families to come together to build multigenerational community through:
• Mutual support and sharing
• Worship & Exploring our Faith
• Sharing ways to heal ourselves in these turbulent times
• Spend time tightening the bonds among us
Friends of European descent are welcome provided they are attending with a family member (e.g. spouse, child) who is a Person of Color. For more information or to register, go to

Wednesday, November 8, 2017
5:15 pm6:00 pm
FCNL Quaker Welcome Center (Washington, DC)

Where witness meets advocacy! The Quaker Welcome Center is now offering silent reflection 5:15-6 pm on Witness Wednesdays. We hope you will join us! Quakers bear witness as a direct expression of faith, and the recent opening of FCNL’s Quaker Welcome Center helps ground our advocacy work and foster fellowship with others. If you have 45 minutes. come worship with us at the Quaker Welcome Center at 245 2nd Street NE, Washington, DC. (Enter through the FCNL patio) Help spiritually ground Friends’ advocacy work as we communicate our values and vision of the Beloved Community while Friends lobby on the Hill. And as we work on this new project, help us by spreading the word! Without you, this is just a building! For more information, go to

Friday, November 17, 2017Sunday, November 19, 2017
Pendle Hill (Wallingford, PA)

This is an opportunity for both new and experienced clerks of Friends’ meetings and committees to meet and think together about the role of presiding clerk. It is expected that each person will leave the weekend with new energy and enthusiasm for being a clerk, feeling well grounded in both the theoretical and the practical. There will be handouts, exercises, and opportunities to share experiences, with most work being done in a whole group setting. For full information, including online registration, go to

Wednesday, November 29, 2017
5:15 pm6:00 pm
FCNL Quaker Welcome Center (Washington, DC)

Where witness meets advocacy! The Quaker Welcome Center is now offering silent reflection 5:15-6 pm on Witness Wednesdays. We hope you will join us! Quakers bear witness as a direct expression of faith, and the recent opening of FCNL’s Quaker Welcome Center helps ground our advocacy work and foster fellowship with others. If you have 45 minutes. come worship with us at the Quaker Welcome Center at 245 2nd Street NE, Washington, DC. (Enter through the FCNL patio) Help spiritually ground Friends’ advocacy work as we communicate our values and vision of the Beloved Community while Friends lobby on the Hill. And as we work on this new project, help us by spreading the word! Without you, this is just a building! For more information, go to

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