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Affiliated Organizations Events

This page displays events coming up in the next month. To see more, please go to the main events page here and select the category "Other Quaker Organizations Events".

September 2016

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Friday, September 23, 2016Sunday, September 25, 2016
Powell House Quaker Conference Center (Old Chatham, NY)

Friends are often called upon to facilitate retreats, conferences, and conversations, sometimes within the Quaker community and sometimes in the world beyond. The skill set required is not quite the same as the skills involved in either clerking or teaching, though the practices do have some things in common. At this retreat, we’ll explore many pieces of the work of facilitation, including the following:
practical and spiritual preparation; planning the arc of the event; methods and modalities; group empowerment; co-facilitation; maintaining and responding to a sense of the group; engaging with difficult situations; and the facilitator’s relationship with the elder(s). Spiritual gifts among facilitators vary widely, and we are all most effective when we build authentically upon our strengths. For that reason, Karen, Emily, and Christopher will be explicitly articulating and demonstrating their differences in approach and encouraging those present to do the same. The weekend will also provide opportunities to connect with Friends of varying levels of facilitation experience in order to encourage future possibilities for co-facilitation and mentorship.

Saturday, September 24, 2016
10:00 am12:00 pm
William Penn House (Washington, DC)

William Penn House will have an Open House in on Oct. 8th to celebrate 50 years of Quaker service and peace activism on Capitol Hill. Friends are invited to help us get the house ready by participating in a work day from 10am – 12pm. We will weed, mulch, organize furniture and enjoy each others' company. Bring work gloves and trowels or just yourself. Families are most welcome. RSVP with, call 814-769-6906 or just come by.

Saturday, September 24, 2016
7:00 pm9:00 pm
William Penn House (Washington, DC)

Dr. Amanda Kemp reads excerpts from her new book, Say the Wrong Thing: Stories and Strategies for Racial Justice and Authentic Community and performs with violinist Michael Jamanis. Part commentary and part memoir, Say the Wrong Thing, takes on racial profiling, interracial relationships, and parenting in the age of Black Lives Matter. Kemp and Jamanis perform music referenced in the book including their signature duet, Chaconne Emancipated, which features excerpt from Dr. King's I Have a Dream speech, poetry by Assata Shakur, and Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation over a soundtrack of Bach and African American freedom songs and spirituals. Kemp will also discuss "Strategies of the H.E.A.R.T.," a five-part workshop series that she has launched to help schools, organizations, and people of faith deepen their authentic connections and advance racial justice. This program is appropriate for ages 10 and older. For more information please contact or

Tuesday, September 27, 2016
7:00 pm9:00 pm
Miller Library (Ellicott City, MD)

Although women occupied the innermost circle of dissident theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer, they have remained a hole in his life story. Quaker theologian Diane Reynolds explores how they—and he—are relevant to our times. Diane (one of the founders of Patapsco Friends Meeting) has recently graduated from Earlham College. Her research at Earlham centered on theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who gained fame from his assassination attempt on Hitler and subsequent imprisonment and execution. Her dissertation became a mass-media book, about which she will be speaking at Miller Library at 7 pm. Join us to hear the story of her research and to support this Quaker theologian. You'll need to register for this event after Sept. 1. Call the library at (410) 313-1950 or register online at

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