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Affiliated Organizations Events

This page displays events coming up in the next month. To see more, please go to the main events page here and select the category "Other Quaker Organizations Events".

June 2016

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Friday, June 10, 2016Sunday, June 12, 2016
Quaker Hill Conference Center (Richmond, IN)

The Quaker RE Collaborative is a grassroots network of individuals spanning 19 Yearly Meetings, all carrying a sense of stewardship for Quaker spiritual formation. The theme of this year’s gathering is Instilling Quaker Identity through Religious Education and the weekend will include worship, plenaries, workshops, interest circles, displays, fellowship, and celebration. For more information and online registration, see

Friday, June 17, 2016Sunday, June 19, 2016
New York City

The Young Adult Concerns Committee of New York Yearly Meeting invites everyone to a weekend of joyful connection and deepening of spiritual relationships with Friends old and new. Any Friend, friend-of-Friends, relative of Friends, or long-lost Friend who finished high school in 1990(ish) or after is invited. Home hospitality is available for those who register by June 1st, or sleep in the Brooklyn Meeting House. What will we do? It’s choose-your-own-adventure! You might decide to make art, play games, jam in the music room, or try some experimental forms of worship; you might join conversations about Quaker membership, spiritual gifts, witness, or conflict; you might find yourself in deep discussion with reps from FGC, FUM, AFSC, FCNL, or other Quaker organizations; or you might do it all. To register or for more information, go to Or if it’s easier, visit and follow the link from there. The Quaker Party is pay-as-led. Give whatever you feel able, and we’ll cover the rest. To learn more—find us on Facebook! We have a public event: Firsteverquakerparty . Or email with questions—

Tuesday, June 28, 2016Saturday, July 2, 2016
Olney Friends School (Barnesville, OH)

Are you longing for more quiet opportunities to worship & share with other Friends? Would you enjoy taking part in a radically unprogrammed retreat with Friends from a variety of theological backgrounds for a week or just a few days? Have you heard of Quaker Spring? Our program will be shaped by God’s leading as the week unfolds. Each day will include Bible study, worship, quiet time, evening explorations, and fellowship. Quaker Spring is open to Friends of all branches! For more information and registration, see

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