Help Get Opequon Ready for Summer 2021!

BYM Camp Property Management Committee
Let's Get OPEQUON Ready for 2021 Camping Season!
It's time to get OPEQUON ready for the summer camping season! There is a lot of work to be done and many hands will make this a very managable project.
If you can help, see the sign up below. Please select the date or dates that you will attend and then select the task that you would like to help with.
(Sign up for ONLY 1 SLOT PER DATE)
Note that as we move through our work days, some tasks may be completed before you arrive. We would kindly ask for your flexibility as you may be asked to work on a different task than the one you signed up for.
All are welcome but there is no childcare or program as this is not a family camping weekend. Bring your own food, waterbottles and anything else you'll need to be comfortable. Let's remember to be COVID safe - plan to wear a mask when you are inside a building, keep physical distance, wash or sanitize your hands as often as possible.
If you have questions please contact Anne Honn or Kate Meaker
Thank you for agreeing to share your skills!