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The “Nuclear Ban Treaty”—What is it and Why is it Important?

Saturday, February 27, 2021
10:00 am12:00 pm

A Webinar with Joseph Gerson
The “Doomsday Clock” was set on Jan. 27 to 100 seconds to midnight, meaning that some of the most knowledgeable of the world’s scientists believe that we are perilously close to a world-destroying nuclear holocaust. But we can prevent this from happening! Join our Webinar and find out how.

Click the link to register.

This free Webinar is sponsored by Baltimore Yearly Meeting Peace and Social Concerns Committee, the Maryland Poor People’s Campaign, Maryland Peace Action, Prevent Nuclear War/Maryland, and Massachusetts Peace Action.

About the presenter, Joseph Gerson: Dr. Joseph Gerson is president of the Campaign for Peace, Disarmament and Common Security, Vice-President of the International Peace Bureau, and Co-founder of the Committee for a SANE U.S.-China Policy, among other positions. He helped to launch the nuclear weapons freeze movement of the 1980s, led the successful opposition to construction of naval nuclear weapons bases in Boston, Rhode Island and New York, and was the lead organizer of international conferences and mass mobilizations on the eves of the 2010 and 2015 Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Review Conferences. His books include Empire and the Bomb: How the US Uses Nuclear Weapons to Dominate the World; With Hiroshima Eyes: Atomic War, Nuclear Extortion and Moral Imagination, and The Sun Never Sets…Confronting the Network of Foreign U.S. Military Bases. Dr. Gerson worked with AFSC for 44 years, until his retirement. While at AFSC, he directed the Peace and Economic Security Program, which he later helped transform into the independent Campaign for Peace, Disarmament and Common Security.

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