Deadline for applications for FWCC World Office General Secretary

We are writing to ask you to assist us in identifying Friends who might feel called to serve as our next General Secretary. Specifically, we hope you will 1) advertise the position if you can, using the attached ad, and 2) talk with anyone you can imagine serving in this way, encouraging them to apply. Friends World Committee for Consultation offers a unique opportunity to serve the Religious Society of Friends. FWCC promotes and celebrates the diversity of Friends, working with the four Sections and Friends around the world, and representing Quakers at the world level in ecumenical, interfaith, and Quaker United Nations Offices.
We also write to remind you of important dates, and to let you know how we are approaching this leadership search and transition during the pandemic. Here is some important information regarding the Search:
● Please send applications to: by midnight in London, 4 January 2021.
● Please direct any questions to Simon C. Lamb, clerk of the Search Committee and clerk of FWCC at . You are also welcome to communicate with Gretchen Castle, General Secretary, by emailing her at . We are happy to organize a Zoom or a What’s App call.
● Applications must include:
o a cover letter expressing your reasons for applying
o your resume or CV with current contact details
● Important dates:
o Application deadline: 4 January 2021 by London midnight
o Zoom screening interviews for selected applicants: January 20, 21, 22
o Invitation to finalists sent out: January 29
o Check references of finalists in February
o Interviews in London: March 3, 4, 5
o CEC approval: March 27
o Job offer and acceptance: March 30
o Start date and 2 week overlap: October/November (negotiable)
We wanted to reach out to you to express our commitment to making this hire and transition as smooth as possible. Recognizing the challenge of making a transition at this time, both for FWCC and for any candidate, we remain flexible regarding start dates. We are open to having the next General Secretary work from home as may be needed for a period of time before moving to take residence in London, though we expect this will happen eventually. We will remain flexible and open to suggestion. For example, we would consider a job share between two candidates, which could open up some shared possibilities, and mean that one would not need to live in London. We will be
responsive to the circumstances that arise during this time, often beyond our control, and we want to be flexible for you and for FWCC.
Please encourage interested candidates to be in touch with any questions or to discuss this further. Meantime, we hope to receive applications from all parts of the world -- by January 4.