Walking in the World as a Friend: Essential Quaker Practices

November Conversation Circles
Walking in the World as a Friend: Essential Quaker Practices
“What do we do that makes us Quakers?" A Friend raised this query during the QREC 2019 conference, planting the seed for a series on how essential Quaker practices weave together the individual, the Friends community and Spirit, creating a unique, vital and transformative dynamic. Designed for Quaker adult education and easily adapted to an online format, the series consists of 15 brief, free downloadable videos and a companion manual available for purchase.
Nadine Hoover, author, activist and lifelong Friend, will walk us through the components of this new resource with plenty of time for inquiry and conversation.
Registration is required:
Tuesday 11/17 at 1:00 PM EDT (10:00 AM Pacific).
Conversation Circles meet online, using Zoom videoconferencing.
Tuesday, Sita Diehl (Madison WI, NYM)
Nadine Hoover, Buffalo MM, NYYM, Friends Peace Teams
QREC is a grassroots network of Friends holding a sense of stewardship for life-long Quaker faith formation through religious education. We come from all branches of the international Quaker family. We are a community of practice, sharing resources, skills, gifts, questions and insights, and supporting each other in the ministry of Quaker faith formation.