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Finding Art: Friending Earth

Saturday, March 14, 2020
12:00 pm3:00 pm
Friends Wilderness Center (Harpers Ferry, WV)

Janet Dinsmore, a member of Friends Meeting of Washington and a poet and artist will lead this art-oriented program in which you will discover how plastic trash and other discarded objects can become art when you use your creative eye. Participants are asked to bring the following: 1) a pair of scissors; and 2) small materials from home that would otherwise be discarded. Participants will also have the opportunity to gather natural materials during a short walk at the Friends Wilderness Center at the start of the program. Then with what they have brought and gathered, they'll design a piece of art. The workshop leader will supply glue and backing paper as well as magazines. If you plan to attend, look for flattened plastic bottles and cans among other debris when you are out and about; as you will discover, they can have a better future than landfills. There will be a chance to talk about the experience at the end of this 2-hour workshop. This program will begin at noon with a short walk to gather materials and enjoy the wilderness setting. We will have lunch at 1 and then work on collages until 3 pm. Lunch will be available for a cost of $10 if you ask for it when you RSVP to Sheila Bach. (571-271-6267 or If you have not visited the FWC before, please consult our DIRECTIONS PAGE and/or use the Waze app on your smart phone to locate the Niles Cabin. WAZE will bring you right to our door!

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