Practicing Our Quaker Heritage of Mysticism and Resistance
From earliest days, Quakers have sought to attend and follow the Inward Light, the Inner Teacher, as the only true guide to right action. And from earliest days, Quakers have been moved and guided by the Inner Teacher to act conscientiously in the world to “see what Love can do” to mend a world rent by injustice and oppression. In contemporary Quaker circles, we sometimes hear Friends speak of contemplative Friends and activist Friends, implying a false dichotomy—that some Friends are mystics and others are actively engaged in mending the world. To be faithful to our tradition and to the leadings of the Light, we are both seekers after the Truth as revealed to us in prayer and worship and animators of the Truth that is revealed to us. We participate both in mysticism and resistance to the ways of the world by standing and moving in revealed Truth. In this extended weekend together, we will hear plenary speakers, engage in extended worship and workshops, and reflect in small groups and large on our heritage and what Spirit asks of us today in creating the Beloved Community in a broken world. For more information and to register, go to or call 610-566-4507 x137.