Turning Toward Compassion: Conversations of Hope in Troubled Times
We long to live in compassion. Yet in times fraught with anger and division, we can all too easily lose touch with that deep heart connection that unites us with others and our truest self. In this one-day retreat, we'll share our experiences of compassion and open to ways of nurturing the flame within us. This retreat will include times of silence, small group conversation, and collective dialogue. We'll draw on the words of wisdom figures and our own heart knowledge as we collectively seek a greater understanding of the way of compassion and the hope it offers in these times. Retreat Leader: Leah Rampy is an experienced retreat leader and the former executive director of Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation in Washington, DC, where she continues to serve on the faculty for programs and pilgrimages. She recently founded Church of the Wild ~ Two Rivers to create space for contemplative spirituality in nature. Leah lives in Shepherdstown with her husband David. Please bring a bag lunch. We are asking folks to make a freewill donation of $10, if you are able, to cover Leah's expenses. All are welcome. Please feel free to invite friends. It is important that you RSVP patloubar@gmail.com as soon as possible so that Leah will know how many participants to expect.