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Fourth Annual Peace Awards and Conference of Frederick County

Saturday, April 14, 2018
9:30 am12:30 pm
Friends Meeting School (Ijamsville, MD)

Friends Meeting School will host this year’s Student Peace Awards and Conference of Frederick County. The interactive program and awards ceremony will begin at 9:30 and conclude at 12:30. The public is invited; free parking is available on the Friends Meeting School campus in Ijamsville. American Sign Language interpretation will be provided. The awards were started four years ago to recognize high school students for their personal efforts furthering peaceful conflict resolution, respect for all people, and peacemaking; the number of recipients has more than tripled, growing from four to 13. All high schools in the county, both public and private, were invited to submit names for consideration. The awardees were chosen because their actions, activities, and projects exemplify how we can all make the world a better place. The event will start at 9:30 with light refreshments, followed by an interactive program on “Dealing with Conflict.” Then student awardees will share reflections at a panel and will receive a $200 award plus a $100 contribution to the charity of their choice. Please come and participate in a program that honors young people who are making a difference in our community today. For more information contact

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