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Learning to Live our Testimony on Equality Together

Sunday, February 12, 2017
12:15 pm2:30 pm
Charlottesville Friends Meeting (Charlottesville, VA)

The Working Group on Diversity at Camps has been working in Philadelphia for 6 years to create better access and genuine diversity at Catoctin Quaker Camp. The results have been substantial increases in the number of campers and staff of color and deepening conversation around equity. Now this promising model is expanding to Charlottesville and to all of the BYM camps under its new name, STRIDE (Strengthening Transformative Relationships in Diverse Environments). Come learn more about pre-existing efforts in the area, this new initiative, and how you can be part of exciting plans to increase equity, diversity, and inclusion in the camps, Meetings, & all of BYM! Info Session Offered Sun, Feb 12th –During the Potluck—12:15-1:30 PM at Charlottesville Meeting House. RSVP and Questions: Contact Dyresha Harris at or (301) 774-7663 ext 109

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