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Interfaith Peacemaking Conference

Sunday, March 20, 2016
2:00 pm5:30 pm
Sandy Spring Museum (Sandy Spring, MD)

In these times of religious and secular extremism we search to find a common ground amidst polarizing rhetoric and acts of violence. Come to this afternoon conference to hear the journeys of Interfaith Peacebuilders and to add your stories to our Dialogue. Gandhi called his autobiography “The Story of My Experiments with Truth.” More than anything we’d like conference attendees to enjoy hearing one another’s personal stories; sharing their own spiritual journeys & Interfaith peacemaking “experiments”. We’re hoping that our attendees will feel inspired and strengthened, and also find new creative ways of reaching out to people of differing faith traditions. Cosponsored by ATFA MD/Rumi Forum MD/Omega Forum, the doors will open at 2pm. For more information, contact the Rumi Forum of Maryland.

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