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Arthur Larrabee on Quaker Decision Making

Monday, April 27, 2015
6:30 pm9:30 pm
Sidwell Friends School Robert L. Smith Meeting Room (Washington, DC)

Friends are invited to join members of the Sidwell Friends School community and other local Friends schools in a workshop with Arthur Larrabee on Quaker Decision Making. Light refreshments will be available at 6:00pm and the workshop will run from 6:30pm to about 9:00pm. Arthur is a lifelong Quaker. He graduated from Westtown School in 1960, from Yale University in 1967, and from the University of Pennsylvania Law School in 1970. From 1963-65 he worked as a volunteer with the American Friends Service Community doing rural community-development work in Tanzania. From 1970-1993 he practiced law in Philadelphia, becoming a founding partner in the firm Larrabee, Cunningham and McGowan. From 1993-2007 he had a career as a consultant, workshop leader, speaker, author and volunteer. Arthur retired last fall from his position as the General Secretary of the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting where he was responsible for executive leadership and oversight of all staff operations, and for the support and integration of all Philadelphia Yearly Meeting projects, services and activities. As a workshop leader, he has facilitated over one hundred workshops for Quaker meetings and schools on Quaker decision-making and clerking. Arthur has been working with the Sidwell Friends community throughout the year, making periodic visits to campus since the fall in order to meet with faculty, staff, students, parents and trustees. He conducted a similar workshop for our parent community in October. We are bringing him back for a second workshop with interested members of our School community and are pleased to invite others to participate. So that we can help Arthur estimate the quantity of worship packets to assemble it would be helpful to get an RSVP from individuals planning to attend. If someone finds they can come at the last minute they are most welcome to come even if they haven’t sent a RSVP. Please RSVP to Kathi Webb if you plan to attend (, 202-537-8109). Please provide your name and Meeting, school, or other affiliation. There is no charge for this workshop and we have plenty of room.

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