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– Corruptive Influences on Congress and How Do We Address It?

Sunday, December 7, 2014
6:30 pm9:00 pm
William Penn House (Washington, DC)

Bill Wilson (Patapsco) will present the monthly Potluck and Dialog. The meal will begin at 6:30 pm and the program at 7:30. Many feel Congress has become influenced by more than 'the will of the people' in modern times. How does this alter our representative democracy and affect decisions? How does this reflect back on the electorate? Is everyone across the political spectrum – left, middle, and right - impacted? What are the root causes? What can realistically be done to correct the situation? What efforts are being made toward a solution? How do we as Quakers influence the dialogue and provide a forum that seeks solutions? Can we build bridges that can span these differences? For more information, see the William Penn House website. (

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