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Rolling Ridge: Origins & Inspirations

Saturday, September 20, 2014
10:00 am2:00 pm
Friends Wilderness Center (Harpers Ferry, WV)

Beginning at 10:00 am, with a $10 lunch available. Come explore the origins and vision of the Rolling Ridge property and learn about its benefactors, Henry and Mary-Cushing Niles. Their granddaughter, Mary, who grew up visiting the land in every season, will share recollections of her grandparents, focusing on their spirituality and the inspiration behind Rolling Ridge. In addition, participants will be invited to reflect on the Niles Legacy through reflective and collaborative writing around the key theme of the restorative power of nature expressed in Wendell Berry’s oft-quoted poem, ‘The Peace of Wild Things.’ Mary will be reading excerpts about her grandparents and their relationship to the Rolling Ridge property from her recently published book, ‘Heart’s Oratorio: One Woman's Journey through Love, Death and Modern Medicine. Let Sheila Bach know if you plan on attending. (

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