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Quaker Religious Education Collaborative Meeting

Sunday, August 17, 2014Monday, August 18, 2014
Pendle Hill (Wallingford, PA)

We invite Friends who hold a sense of stewardship for the faith formation of Quaker children to join with us. This includes: First Day School teachers, Religious Education Coordinators, RE Committee members, Quaker parents and grandparents, and others. This first meeting will take place at Pendle Hill. We’ll gather from 3 pm Sunday to 3 pm Monday. We hope this gathering will reacquaint us with how beneficial it can be to share formally and informally with our community of practice. There will be five sessions with substantive presentations and discussions, and a poster session to which we hope each participant will offer a contribution. Pendle Hill will provide dinner Sunday evening, breakfast and lunch on Monday, and refreshments to sustain us as we work. Pendle Hill has graciously made space for us, but this is not one of their programs. Please register by August 4 to facilitate Pendle Hill’s planning Send Questions to: Beth Collea, or Melinda Wenner Bradley,

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