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BYM Apportionment Meeting

Saturday, April 26, 2014
9:30 am3:30 pm
Adelphi Friends Meeting

Find out more about the money your Meeting sends to Baltimore Yearly Meeting! Please come, listen, give feedback, and make sure your Meeting sends a representative. Hear about how other Meetings are handling their finances and about Yearly Meeting’s progress. The Stewardship and Finance Committee hosts this annual meeting to consider issues of apportionment – that is, financial support of the Yearly Meeting. It is a time for sharing and consideration of important issues. Special presentation this year: What is the Vision Implementation Committee finding out about BYM? You’ll learn something to share your Meeting! Refreshments at 9:30 AM, session starts at 10. Questions or for more information, contact Clerk Claudia Hernandez ( or the BYM office. (301-774-7663)

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