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BYM's Witness to the Wider World

Saturday, April 5, 2014
9:00 am4:00 pm
Alexandria Friends Meeting (Alexandria, VA)

The ad hoc Vision Implementation Committee invites all members of Peace and Social Concerns Committees, all those working on issues of social justice and faith, all those employed in Quaker service organizations, and everyone interested in the way BYM expresses our faith beyond BYM to attend of day of sharing, reflection, renewal, and rededication. Please join us! Mary Lord will be our keynote speaker. Everyone is invited to share about the work you are doing. How can Friends work together to bring more love and peace into the world? How can we speak our truth and build bonds between people? How can we discern what work is ours to do, and then how to do this work? How do we can follow the guidance of the Spirit and be nourished by the Spirit in everything we do? From BYM’s Vision Statement: We seek to serve others in love, to share our gifts and resources, to reach out to those in need, both friends and strangers, and to witness in the world to our shared experience of the infinite love of God. The day will begin with refreshments at 9:30 am and conclude at 4:00 pm. A shuttle will leave from Huntington Metro Station at 9:30. Email Alison Duncan to indicate interest. (

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