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Retreat on Ministry and Pastoral Care

Saturday, March 1, 2014
10:00 am3:00 pm
Langley Hill Friends Meeting (McLean, VA)

Ministry and Pastoral Care is at the heart of Friends’ life together. How can we cultivate worship in a way that brings for the Spirit for all of us? How does our caring community enliven our responsiveness to each other and our witness in the world? This retreat will include queries about our work and conversations on effective ministry and pastoral care. Please come for a day of renewal on Saturday, March 1, at Langley Hill Friends Meeting from 10 am until 3 pm. Directions: This event is planned by Baltimore Yearly Meeting’s Ministry and Pastoral Care Committee. Members of Local Meeting committees involved in ministry and worship, pastoral care, care and clearness, or any expression of spiritual life and care are encouraged to come. Please bring a lunch; we will provide snacks on arrival and fruit and drinks to share. The day is being facilitated by BYM’s ad hoc Vision Implementation Committee. It will help us if you will RSVP to Wayne Finegar at the BYM Office. (

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