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4th Annual Northeastern Christ-Centered Friends Gathering

Friday, August 17, 2012
Prindle Pond Conference Center

This fourth annual gathering of Christ-centered Friends from the Northeast at Prindle Pond reaffirms our original epistle from our 2009 gathering: “to Friends everywhere, and to all who seek love, joy, hope, and meaning in life” and “Knowing that language and doctrinal notions have caused unnecessary divisions among people of faith, we have no desire to add to these, but simply to stand with Jesus Christ at an open door, where He offers His light and love.” Our second gathering, 2010, called us to “be Living Epistles of Christ” as written in 2 Corinthians 3:2-3. Our third gathering’s statement included: “We joyfully invite each other to continue this experience of our blessed community in Christ, learning and growing together in our faith and practice.”

See the attached flyer for more information.

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