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Quaker Spring

Sunday, June 24, 2012
Olney Friends School

Quaker Spring is a time for retreat and reflection, gathered under the guidance of the Inward Teacher. We will have Bible study in the mornings, followed by worship. The afternoons will be free for refreshment and recreation, or small group conversation, meetings for discernment, or healing prayer. In the evenings we will come together for worship and consideration of queries that have risen up out of the group. Accommodations are simple—dorm rooms at Olney Friends School, or camping on the grounds of the Stillwater Meeting House. The total cost is about $30-$50 per day. Children and families are welcome. Please register by May 24, so we can plan the children’s program. The registration form and more information can be found on our website: You can also e-mail questions to or contact Deborah Haines, Registrar. (

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