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Diane Randall Presentation

Sunday, June 17, 2012
1:30 pm4:00 pm
Sandy Spring Friends Meeting

Diane Randall, the Executive Secretary of the Friends Committee on National Legislation will be speaking at Sandy Spring Friends Meeting at 1:30 pm. As Kenya's national elections approach, the risk of a new outbreak of deadly violence increases. FCNL and other Friends organizations are working inside and outside Kenya to help prevent another crisis. There is an urgent need for Friends in the U.S. to advocate for foreign policy that supports—rather than undermines—the progress in local peacebuilding and conflict prevention that Kenyan Friends have made in their communities. Learn how to be an effective messenger for peace in Kenya with your members of Congress. Diane Randall will speak from her recent experience of traveling to Kenya for the Friends World Committee for Consultation and a tour of Quaker peace-building initiatives. Lunch will be provided prior to her presentation, following the rise of Meeting for Worship.

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