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Continuing Rev_I_tion: A Young Adult Friends Conference on Ministry, Earthcare, and Social Action

Sunday, June 17, 2012
Pendle Hill

Quaker Earthcare Witness, Pendle Hill, and the Clarence and Lilly Pickett Endowment are co-sponsoring this intensive six-day gathering from June 15-20, 2012, for all young adult Quakers in North America.

All Young Adult Friends (ages 18-35) are invited to be a part of this conference designed to strengthen a networked generation of awakened and effective spiritually grounded change agents. The program will include inspirational speakers, workshops and trainings, worship and worship-sharing, fellowship, discernment of gifts and ministry, service and direct action. We are calling all young adult Friends who feel a movement in our generation to create the world we believe is possible. At its core, this conference is about providing the foundational skills and training to inspire revelation -- or revolution -- as we strive to live into Spirit-led relationship with ourselves, our communities and the earth.

This conference is open and welcoming to young adult Quakers of all backgrounds, experiences and Friends’ theologies. While we recognize that this gathering is firmly rooted in the un-programmed Friends' tradition, we also believe the thematic content to be urgently relevant to all branches of Quakerism and hope all interested young adults will feel that their voices belong at this table.

We are currently accepting applications at Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, and applicants will be notified within 2-3 weeks of submitting their application. Apply early, as we expect the conference to fill up quickly. Program fees are $270 per participant for applications received by May 15, 2012, and $300 per participant for applications received after May 15, 2012. Scholarships will be available for participants who need support, and interested individuals are encouraged to request financial assistance from their monthly/yearly meetings or communities.

Any questions or inquiries should be directed to Emily Higgs.

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