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Warrington Quarterly Meeting

Sunday, February 19, 2012
11:30 am4:00 pm
Menallen Friends Meeting

Menallen Friends Meeting welcomes Friends to Warrington Quarterly Meeting with warm drinks and coffee cake for Friends who gather early and after we settle in they will give a brief presentation of the various projects (sounds like some very interesting and varied community outreach) that Menallen is involved in. After a break we will have Meeting for Worship followed by potluck lunch and Warrington Quarter's Business Meeting. As always Menallen offers hospitality for overnight and will include any children in their First Day School.

Please contact Mary Gemmill, Clerk of Warrington Quarter if you have any questions, need overnight hospitality, or will be bringing children for First Day School.

Planned Schedule for Second Month 19th day 2012

9:00 AM.................... Arrival, warm drinks, fruit and coffee cake
9 :30 AM.............."What's Been Happening at Menallen Meeting"
10:30 AM..............Meeting for Worship
11:30 AM ..............Potluck lunch
12:30 PM...............Warrington Quarterly Meeting

Please forward your quarterly reports and your responses to the queries about the Quarter to Leada Dietz ( and to Frank Reitemeyer ( before Feb 17 so we can print them out to share with all and so Frank has them for the minutes.

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