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Clerking and Leadership Workshop

Saturday, February 18, 2012
9:00 am4:00 pm
<a href="">Charlottesville Friends Meeting</a>, 1104 Forest Street, Charlottesville, Virginia
Click here to register for the Workshop. You have the option to pay the fee online immediately, or to send your payment in separately.

Arthur Larrabee, General Secretary of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, returns to lead the Third Annual BYM Clerking and Leadership Workshop.

Registration will open soon. Please note that attendance is limited to 50, and the workshop is likely to fill quickly. The fee is $50.00 per person, and includes the workshop, materials, refreshments, and lunch. Friends will gather at 9:00 am. Lunch will be between 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm. The Workshop is expected to end around 4:00 pm.

We hope to provide transportation from Sandy Spring Friends Meeting and the West Falls Church Metro Station. The charge will be between $15 and $20, depending on the number of Friends who sign up.

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