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Friends: A Vision of Our Future

Sunday, February 5, 2012
6:30 pm9:00 pm
William Penn House

Barry Crossno, General Secretary of Friends General Conference, will speak on “Friends: A Vision of Our Future.” He will share his journey with lessons from Buddhism and Quakerism and suggest how these two spiritual disciplines can together enhance the Religious Society of Friends. He will share his quest to make Quakers a viable, vibrant path to spiritual life and the role of FGC in making this path accessible to others. Barry was appointed to the position of General Secretary a year ago and began his service in June. Barry is a member of Dallas Monthly Meeting, served on the Pendle Hill staff prior to accepting his new job. Potluck begins at 6:30 pm. For more information, see the William Penn House website. ( The William Penn House is at 515 E Capitol St SE, Washington, DC.

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