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Retreat for Meeting Clerks

Saturday, November 9, 2019
10:00 am4:30 pm
Annapolis Friends Meeting (Annapolis, MD)

The Yearly Meeting wants to help support local Meeting clerks, so we would like to invite you to a retreat for Meeting Clerks, past, present, and future, at Annapolis Friends Meeting in Maryland on 11/9/2019 from 10:30am - 4pm. While focused on Meeting clerks, anyone with an interest in how we build and sustain our Meeting communities is most welcome to attend. Please write to to let us know you’re coming. Also let us know whether you seek overnight hospitality or child care, have special dietary needs, or have any questions, so we can try to accommodate. This event is intended more as a retreat than a workshop, though we can try to make it whatever you would find most helpful. Please let us know your thoughts on that. Primarily, this is a day for spiritual refreshment, fellowship, and sharing our collective wisdom. We’ll have time to share our joys and challenges and ask questions and hear responses from those gathered. We’ll also have time to hear what sort of support you would find most helpful from the Yearly Meeting and make sure you are aware of support we do provide. In particular, one topic might be to explore diversity or anti-racism concerns, especially in light of the anti-racist declaration approved at Annual Session. Let us know if you’re interested in that.

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